Storage Solutions HDD Humming?

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I don't know why but after Installing XP Prof, within 5 minutes I found that Spinning (humming) Noise of HDD increase than ever. Prior to installing XP I never here any type of Humming Noise.

Latter I format HDD and Install 98 SE, so now I have 98SE as OS but the Spinning (humming) Voice of HDD is still increase when ever I open Photoshop, Explorer or Install any program.

I have Samsung 40gb HDD. AT Device Manager under HDD Setting I didn't select Rmovable and DMA Box.

Can you guess what makes it to increase humming noise and how could I make in Silence as before.

Thank You
Hitachi have a software to reduce drive spinning noise - this software works even on other manufacturers HDD which support this feature - get Hitachi's Feature Tool from this page...

Support | Downloads

I use this software for reducing noise of my Maxtor drives too.

Maybe Samsung has a similar software - check at their site.

Is this huming noise show any Problem to HDD? Cause this HDD is super Silent before I install XP Prof last Sunday.

I visit the link given by you but there is too much links, so exactly which link is for Reduce Humming Noise?

Stick said:
Is this huming noise show any Problem to HDD? Cause this HDD is super Silent before I install XP Prof last Sunday.

I visit the link given by you but there is too much links, so exactly which link is for Reduce Humming Noise?

I really dont know if the humming noise will damage the HDD ... I suppose it depends on what exactly is the cause of the sound.

I mentioned the name of the software in my post it is "Feature Tool" on the page I linked... It seems this MAY reduce the sound only if it is related to head seeks .... read this...

Feature Tool (v2.01)

This is a DOS-bootable tool for changing various ATA features.

* Change the drive Automatic Acoustic Management settings to the:
o Lowest acoustic emanation setting (Quiet Seek Mode), or
o Maximum performance level (Normal Seek Mode).

Link for a CD ISO image for this -

Here is a link for a User Guide for Feature Tool - download and read it first...
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