Storage Solutions HDD to DVD. Is there someone to do this?

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A Nobody.
Hi all..

I have few internal HDD's. And want to take a backup copy of all the data in it to DVD's.
Total size may come to 5 or 6 TB's

Is there any service or centre in india that does this for a nominal rate?.

Any help is appreciated.

^LOL seriously. That's close to 700 dual-layer DVDs. I wonder if someone would really spend the patience and energy to burn all that data.

Anyways, best of luck finding one!
As Descreator pointed out, it comes to around 700 dual layer discs . Even if you get it at a wholesale rate, each DVD is going to cost you a min. of 8 bucks ( i doubt whether you can get DL discs even at this rate). So 5600 bucks. Are you ready to spend this much amount on this ???. Moreover time and energy... Think twice...

I was just wondering out of curiosity what is so important about that data ??
5600 bucks on dvds and abt a year or so to write them all... :D

Get some 2TB drives at around 6k a piece to backup ur data or wait fr a lil while for 3TB drives to come out... then u can back up ur stuff on them... imagine storing 700 dual layer or 1400 normal dvds... how are u ever gonna find anything ???
What about Blu-Ray

the number of disc comes down dramatically to a 100 disks as each disk can store 50GB AFAIK

Of course availability of Blu-Ray writer & cost of disks also would be a problem
shravank30 said:
What about Blu-Ray

the number of disc comes down dramatically to a 100 disks as each disk can store 50GB AFAIK

Of course availability of Blu-Ray writer & cost of disks also would be a problem
Blu ray drive = 10k upwards

Blu ray disk = ~500 bucks

Cost per TB = 10k (500x20)

Total cost to backup 6TB = 70000 Rs :D

I already have over 1500 dvd's now.. So dvd is not issue. Neither is 6k to backup all my data. More thn worth it. Just need someone who does this for service charges. I contacted few data bckup services they only deal with mnc.

And blu ray not a option. New investment. I get tdk bd r for arnd 200 bucks from akihabara so thts not issue. But one burner is not enough so no way.
if 6k isnt an issue go for 2Tb hdds... easier to backup.. u can do it yourself... and u can update ur backup whenever u like... its much much faster than burning dvds...
CA50 said:
DVD gets corrupt with time, don`t they?
Yeah although some of them might last a little longer. As such, there's no guarantee that the hard drive won't fail either but it's a better option over the DVDs anyday. Backup and store them in a safe place. Access them periodically to ensure they are safe. Ensure multiple backups essentially.
Desecrator said:
Yeah although some of them might last a little longer. As such, there's no guarantee that the hard drive won't fail either but it's a better option over the DVDs anyday. Backup and store them in a safe place. Access them periodically to ensure they are safe. Ensure multiple backups essentially.
I Agree with Gannu :) Buying a HDD would be far better.
Seriously man, if the data is dat important, don't back up on DVDs. They will go out.

Rather get a RAID backup solution or just multiple HDDs and back up the data making copies on two or more HDD. This will save you the money of backing ur precious data through some private organisation and as someone already suggested, HDD storage as backup will be far more reliable than DVDs. My 6 year old HDD is still running fine :)

Moreover, tracking the DVDs is possible through organisers and proper labelling like we do for HD DVDs (courtesy our own vercetti ;) ) but still its a pain man and you will hardly go back to checking out each DVDs. Its far more simple and convenient to connect a HDD and check the data :)

And you can sell off the DVDs to get some extra moolah for celebrating the backup completion ;)

Adding to the discussion have you looked at the security of your data if you are thinking of giving it to someone for backup? I mean for me security would be something major if you are looking at spending so much on the data. Just a thought.
Someone from another forum already convinced me of the merits of hdd backup. Guess 3 new 2tbs are to be ordered. After bckup will be stored. :).
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