Audio Headphone for 1.5k

@Gannu - Faheem had a HD201 not a HD202. :p

@Ethan_Hunt - Just play music at higher than normal levels for a few days and you should be done. :)
Desecrator said:
I'm surprised faheem did not respond in this thread! He owned a HD202 IIRC and he did say it was a pair of good HPs for the price.

I owned a HD-201 which are similar sounding to 202s but 202s has more bass ;). They were pretty good for the price but were insanely power hungry.Brendon had reviewed them.

Ethan_Hunt said:
OK got the headphones, now how do I burn-in the darn thing? I want more bass. :(

Good that you didn't get the 201s ,they have even less bass. Also the cans need loads of power. Wont even give their 50% on an onboard soundcard .. If you want more volume / bass , you can try Fiio E5. It worked pretty well with my 201s.
my HD 201 distorts heavily if i try to squeeze it for bass, with an AMP :(

its like a knocking noise from an engine, on each drum beats. But still the bass isnt quite close enough powerful to be called enjoyable, let alone the distortion.
HD201 is one of the most current hungry headphone in production. So , no surprises here that your portable amps are not able to keep with it. It is a practical joke played by sennheiser on unsuspecting customers.
^ Second that .When I was poor and couldn't afford a high end setup / amps etc , I got the HD201 and couldn't get the best of it and now when I have a good enough tube amp that can easily drive them ,I am done with the HD 201s :rofl:.
I just happened to listen to a pair of HD202 today.

The sound is decent for the price, but it did feel the need for amping. Also, Im not sure if it will satisfy bassheads.
JVC RX 900 can satisfy most bassheads, but unfortunately it wont fall in budget. Try RX 700, which has almost close enough bass and the only major letdown being the earpads which arent good as in RX900. Its kinda same as in HD201, but more cushioned.

If you increase budget to 2k+, RX 700 would surely satisfy.
@op, the hd 201 and 202 just wont sound loud enough.. not even through mini amps like an e5. Its a known fact and i read above, thats many members warned you about the same. You should have gone with the Sony 200's. It served me for a good 4 yrs (yes the model is much older than 4 yrs) till i moved on to better cans.

Anyways, make d best of em till u upgrade,,, cheers :)