Headphone Hunt

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Insanely Idiotic
Hi Guys,
Recently my Sennheiser HD202 went kaput and now only the left is live,I'm in search of a new headphone and have zero'd in on ATH-AD300
How good is it compared to HD202's ?

My Budget is 3K so if you guys have something else in the store to recommend, Please fire away :)
+1 for ad300. Better in every aspect.. sound,build quality & comfort. 2yrs on mine.. still going great. Note..these are open back phones. So dont expect it to block outside world & strictly for home use. On the brighter side in sound but i like it for its open & airy very wide feel. You'll find the bass to b lacking if u are a basshead. But if you are not, these will pull u in the mids & highs so well that u wont notice the bass much;)
If u want bass.. move to portables n have a look @ AT SJ55.
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T500 would be decent in bass as its closed back as opposed to bass shy ad300. You can even consider sennheisser hd439 if you are movin to that price range.
Compared to quality in budget range, the Sennheisers perform well. Though AT / Grado / Goldring outperforms Sennheisers, but for a premium price range.
Have personally used the Goldring GX-200 (Rs.4k) for 3yrs and currently using Sennheiser CX-175 (Rs.2.7k). Nice experience. Though have not got my hands on the AT Consumer Series. The pro series is good for both Headphones and Mikes.
T500 would be decent in bass as its closed back as opposed to bass shy ad300. You can even consider sennheisser hd439 if you are movin to that price range.

I don't mind putting in another 1K if it's worth it
Also,I was just browsing through some reviews and came across ATH-M35 and ppl have said it has good bass

So,my question is "How is ATH-M35 compared to HD439 and which one should i go for?"
And @5fusion,thanks for all the suggestions/help so far :)
Even i was looking to get m35 sometime back & found them good enough for my needs from d reviews. But ended on something else. As far as i know m35 would be more balanced with good towards neutral sound with a more darker feel.
Heres a good review on them by well known TE member - http://www.techenclave.com/community/threads/audio-technica-ath-m35-review.107951/

Cant say much about hd439 as i havnt done much search on these when i was lookin for headphones. U can find a lot of user reviews on headfi. As far as i have seen.. it gets mixed reviews.

Note - would say m30 would be better option unless u very much need d portability of m35. Both sounds exactly same except you can fold m35s & slide them in a pouch. M30s can be had around 3k which is a good 1.5k cheaper than m35 if m not wrong.
M30s have a 3m cable.. these r monitor headphones, so d cables are quite long to move around & for home use only.
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M35s are little dark, so is M50, try getting M50 , you might like them, some may call it reference headphones in the price range, i bought PRO700mk2, super dark didnt like 'em at all.
Good luck
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