HeadPhones For Cs 1.6 Under 1.5k

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My Sony in ear earphones that i used for playing CS 1.6 just died within a year. I dont listen to music much so my only purpose is for CS 1.6. If anybody know any earphones that are darn good at CS 1.6 but not pricey please help me with your suggestions. A product with 2 year warranty(atleast 1 year) is desired..
Sennz HD-202 are in that budget.

Good, Strong n light weight so wearing them for extended sessions isn't a problem.
HD-202 eyes closed , u will feel hell of a difference moving on from a IN-Ear to this headphones , first of all ability to detect position of enemy will become better , the best bet at 1.5k for cs 1.6 , i have tried steelseries 3h as well almos similar priced but HD-202 was better than it except that 3h has a mic as well.
Where can i get this one for 1.5k shipped , any dealers in here? and also what about HD201 vs HD 202, is HD 202 worth the few bucks more?

HD202 is worth every buck you spend more then for HD 201 , volume of HD201 is lower then HD202 , HD 202 gives u better performance wrt music as well .

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I have used HD 202 for 1 year or so , i had moved on from a Frontech headset to a sennheiser HD 202 and it was like i had moved on to a new world .
You want to spend 1.5k on headphones for CS? Seriously :rofl:

Buy an iball one and be happy. Anyways, you'd only use the headphones to hear footsteps. Its not like it has good dialogue/sfx like TF2.
I am not sure if you said that seriously..It was only recently that i started playing CS 1.6(1.5 years) and my research is limited to that time frame but as far as i have found out its been one game that people put a lot of emphasize on using quality sound. Believe me i have used cheapo headphones and average quality ones and the difference the latter one makes is worth it(you wont like the feeling when u get knifed in pubs), it is not hearing footsteps that matter most but spotting the exact location they are coming from..I cant get any Siberia V2s or AT-AD700s which are the so called pro ones, so i dont think this is one game that a 1.5k headphone is going to be a total waste of money.

I doubt you are really into cs 1.6 else you would have never said that , headphones make a world of difference in cs 1.6 fyi . This statement can be directly compared to saying why u need a gaming mouse i can left click and right click even with a normal iball mouse and kill enemies , I bet if u can kill like so called good players with gaming mouse with a normal iball mouse if u get a gaming mouse after that you will be able to game at the international level :P , agreed at the end of day what matters more is skill but to channel those skill you surely do need proper gears , people are not fools to buy those gears.


Yup bro bang on your research is absolutely right . I own a ad700 and i must say i can hear along tunnel sounds in dust 2 while going from ct spawn in dust2 map , the sennhesier hd 202 are absolute vfm headphones , buy them eyes closed u wont repent . You can get it from Delta - The Best in IT in INDIA or from local dealer amarbir , there might be more dealers but none i know of
INR 1700/- was the best price i could find for HD 202 in local stores. I could find an online listing for 1560/- shipped from Navkar Collections(Naaptol.com) but dont know if the sellers are trustworthy , there seems to be no reviews or feedbacks for the seller. I dont know if getting it locally would be a better choice!!!

Even I has a similar argument with my friends a long time back. Gaming mice is a completely different category but headphones? I've tried a HD201 (Was it?) for sometime and then I went back to the crappy Iball headphones at the cyber cafe I was playing at and it didn't make a difference. Sure the Senheiser was a lot more comfortable and the isolation was really good, but ultimately it made no difference in distinguishing where foot steps were coming from. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't a pro back then but regardless if I was using the Iball or the Senheiser I could still tell where the footsteps were coming from or which part of the map gunfire was going on.

Now if you're talking about the quality of footsteps then thats something else but then again think about it- 1.5k just to hear better sounding footsteps or better sounding guns? Now if you have the money then .......
@RD274: I think you were lucky to have got hold of a cheap headset that was decent at say 'sound directionality' (or whatever :P, I still cant figure out what is the exact spec that decides the ability of a headphone to give an idea abt the location of sound source).. I cant go around trying every brand headset and every cheapo headset to see if they are good for CS 1.6 and it is the reason i am asking for suggestions. Most of the lower end headsets aim at just producing sound n some kind of bass or whatever, but they $#ck as gaming headsets. Last time when i went to a Sony store to purchase a particular headset ( i had borrowed same model from my friend and found good) they dint have it in stock and ended up buying a random one hoping for the best. It wasnt as good as i wudve liked but it did cost me Rs1500/-. It was not that bad either but it died (last week) within a year of purchase. Its the reason I am again on the hunt and I am asking for suggestion from people with xperience playing CS 1.6.

No offence meant but you were in no way aiming at helping my purpose and was hvng a laugh at the money i'm putting in. but even you agree with others on comfort and isolation and i think you would on life time of these headsets and build quality as well. What i want is suggestions and if you strongly believe the iball one is as good as the latter one n u can have few guys backing you in here i will be more than happy that you could help me find a product that saved me some money.
@OP: Congratz for deciding on the HD-202 ..

Where are you located .. ?? You can get one easily at 1.5k .. it used to retail at 1.4k two years back.

@RD274 - Let the debate be .. people who take the game seriously feel that such investments are necessary.

I saved up many to get my gaming gear and it was well worth it.

Also if you want (a lot)more precision .. then invest in a Sibera USB sound card after this .. pick up a used one.

The cheapest iball headphone i found which came somehwat(not very) close to hd 202 in cs 1.6 is the dj headphone of iball costing around 900 rs , not very comfortable looked pretty cool though . I would say dont go for the iball one even if some guys come out there backing him up :) . I myself used to say the samething rd274 is saying before i tried a HD202 .

Incase you want to buy a second hand headphone i have my eh150 which i am no longer using since i got a ad700 , gaming performance wise its similar to hd202 and for music its slightly better. Incase you are interested we can discuss the same over PM .


We are in no way saying that iball is bad for cs 1.6 , but you have just seemed to have got a wrong notion that a hd 202 all it does is give better sound quality and isolation when compared to ur iball ,.... they are much better for positioning , u may be able to hear footsteps with all headphones but in cs 1.6 what matters is really from where the footstep is coming rather then how loudly its cming whether ur getting bass on each gun shot :P
@dexBG , My location is Kochi, Kerala and i called few dealers that i found in the Sennheiser Website , but the least price i could get was for 1700/- . I checked Ebay and the prices are higher and none of the dealers in TE seems to be selling Sennheisers.
Lol I give up. Every man to himself then :)

Good luck with the headphone hunting MrCool then :)

Amarbir does sell sennheisers , and according to him the old model of hd 202 costin mrp 1499 are no longer available the new ones have mrp at 1900 odd so the high price
The new ones are the HD203 I think -- they are the same HD202s repackaged ..

Try to get quote from someone in Delhi ..
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