Headphones for PS3

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1. Get a USB headset which is certified to be used with a PS3. Most USB headsets should be compatible with the console and the manufacturer might have listed the PS3 under the list of the supported hardware.

Personally, I think USB headphones are mostly an useless thing to buy unless the headphones can be separately used without the USB.

The AD700 is an open-air pair and you might tend to disturb the people who are in your vicinity.

That is definitely true that sound leaks from these headphones. But it is not bad enough that people get disturbed unless you have the volume so loud that you are gonna do deaf by next day.

@OP: I currently use AD700 + Astro A40 MixAmp for gaming on PS3/XBOX 360/PC. Earlier I was using JVC HARX900 + A40 MixAmp (which are semi closed cans) and I don't find a sea of difference between the two headphones for gaming. AD700 has less bass, but it can be easily fixed by using the equalizer. For the extra 2k that AD700 cost over the RX900, I didn't find any major difference to justify it however except for the amount of burn in time that took for the phones to start sounding good.
@OP: I currently use AD700 + Astro A40 MixAmp for gaming on PS3/XBOX 360/PC. Earlier I was using JVC HARX900 + A40 MixAmp (which are semi closed cans) and I don't find a sea of difference between the two headphones for gaming. AD700 has less bass, but it can be easily fixed by using the equalizer. For the extra 2k that AD700 cost over the RX900, I didn't find any major difference to justify it however except for the amount of burn in time that took for the phones to start sounding good.
Am getting more confused now as I am having wide options now. Ok so how much mixamp costs ?I can't find anywhere in India. Do you know from where can I source it.?
Oh my bad, i typed it wrong. I meant 558 not 595. I have corrected it. Thanks for your inputs.However i am planing STx card. So no E17. BTW deos 558s need amping when in use with Cowon J3?

They are pretty low Independence headphones (50 Ohms). Most of the media players are designed to drive 32 Ohms heaphones. So yes, the 558's do sound fuller and complete along with option of going louder when amped. Keep in mind though to keep your amplifier setting at medium and not go over the marked 50 Ohms headphone range otherwise you might end up damaging the cans.
?....Keep in mind though to keep your amplifier setting at medium and not go over the marked 50 Ohms headphone range otherwise you might end up damaging the cans.

So I am getting fiio e11. What did you mean by medium setting in e11? Is it gain level you are referring?
Am getting more confused now as I am having wide options now. Ok so how much mixamp costs ?I can't find anywhere in India. Do you know from where can I source it.?

Forget about MixAmp and just concentrate on the headphones for now.

My MixAmp cost me 8k to imported from US. The Mix Amp just allows me to use to use the Toslink port on the consoles/PC and convert a Dolby Digital 5.1 signal to a Dolby Virtual surround for the headphones and also doubles as an amplifier. It is a purely optional gadget (though it enhances the gaming experience for me) and you won't find it in India. If you can Import from US, then Turtle beach also has a similar product now that costs much lower.
So I am getting fiio e11. What did you mean by medium setting in e11? Is it gain level you are referring?

No idea cauz i don't own the Fiio e17. Planning to get it. My friend was referring to the medium setting on his e17 i guess. He said it'll damage the headphones if by mistake the volume gets too high so for precaution keep the e17 on a medium preset which allows for a maximum of 50 ohms output.
No idea cauz i don't own the Fiio e17. Planning to get it. My friend was referring to the medium setting on his e17 i guess. He said it'll damage the headphones if by mistake the volume gets too high so for precaution keep the e17 on a medium preset which allows for a maximum of 50 ohms output.


So finally ordered rx900 from amazon. I decided not to invest more money for gaming. I hope rx900 won't be a bad choice.
but they doesn't give game audio. only for chatting purpose.

I connected to BH200 to the PS3, and its correctly detected as an audio device, and i was able to set it up for audio output; but there's no sound :( Not using for gaming, only YT or media playback.
I connected to BH200 to the PS3, and its correctly detected as an audio device, and i was able to set it up for audio output; but there's no sound :( Not using for gaming, only YT or media playback.

IIRC you can't get bluetooth audio using regular bluetooth headphones. It requires some sort of proprietary technology which Sony licenses only to a few manufacturers. You can chat using bluetooth headsets but not listen to music etc...
I have these Skullcandy SLYR and They are great headset. highly recommend it. they work for pc, ps3 and xbox
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