PC Peripherals Headphones Screeching Sound .

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This has started a few days back and is very annoying. Everytime the bulb that shows hard disk activity is turning on there is a screeching sound in the headphones. How to get rid of this??
Have this issue, since speakers aren't that sensitive there are not picking static from harddisk .. this is due to improver shielding of DAC/AMP chips of the mobo,
try updating audio drivers,it may be fixed ..

if headphones only pic up noise from the front port.. try routing the front panel wires away from smps and harddisk
So, any solution ??

This seems like a shielding/grounding issue in the FP ports . In such cases, updating drivers wont help. You might try fiddling around with the grounding/shielding. If you have a branded case, then try googling around for FP audio port static on your specific case. You'll probably be surprised at how widespread this issue really is.

FWIW, I have a Antec 900 case with the same issue. My soundcard backports have a clean signal, but the FP has static that is particularly susceptible to moving the mouse
around (also attached to FP). Googled on this issue and it turns out that all the FP ports have the grounds shared. And this was for a supposedly premium case

I removed the mouse from the front panel, but I still got static, now synchronized with the hard disk's seeking
Modding my case looked cumbersome compared to just moving to the backpanel, so finally I just moved the audio to backpanel
You could open up the case and see if there is a capacitor in series (or is it parallel?) in the PCB of the front panel with the audio jacks. Or, try removing your front panel USB connections from the machine and check.
will one of those heat shrink rubber tubes people use for sleeving help in shielding the front panel cable?

you could take a thin strip of aluminum foil, wrap it around the fp cable then put the sleeving over it and shrink it. If its just some radio interference then it might work. if its a common ground problem, it wont.
My case is an exact fit for the mother board so the front panel connections were buried under the HDD . When i removed the hard disk i saw a network of wires and i did the most obvious thing removed the LED connection without fiddling with the wires . Now sound is gone but i have no idea whether the HDD is working or not is there any software that resides in the taskbar and does the same thing as the LED.
just download this software for the temp. readings.. Speccy.. its from piriform.com from the same group that has made Ccleaner and defraggler. heres a screenshot..
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