PC Peripherals Heatsinks For RAM

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sunny27 said:
i came across this on ebay- eBay India: Heatsink for RAM (item 400077960668 end time 08-Nov-2009 11:26:29 IST)
i plan to buy 2 of these for my 1x2 gb ddr 400 transcend sticks.
are these good and worth the 200rs investment ?do these actually lower temps other than adding cosmetic looks?

am planning to run windows 7 64 bit on my current pc--see signature below---should i upgrade to 4gb of ddr400? or stick with 2gb of ram?

these are frm Deal Xtreme, yup they do lower temps a bit. But they have use and throw thermal tape so if u put it once on a ram u cant use it again
better to go for a ocz ram cooler unit, then u can avoid having something stuck on your RAM (in case of rma) as well as 1 stick or 4 sticks, wouldnt matter.
how much is ocz's ram cooler?

i intend to use these coolers once they wont be removed.

btw do i need 4gb for a full fleged 64 bit installation of windows 7 ultimate??
Yes u will be needing 4gb ram for the 64bit version, its better to have 4gb as its the 64bit if u can go for the 32bit then 2gb ram is enough....
inquire with the TE dealers. should be approx 1k. also a few 2nd hands do come up on sale, so keep checking the market threads.
sunny27 said:
what should be 1k?what are u talking about? ram?

he is speaking abt OCZ xtc ram cooler i think.
If u really want serious cooling for ram thermaright HR 07 is the way to go
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