Heli ... almost done

I had purchased a RTF Belt CP V2. After few weeks, decided to build my own

Been working on this for almost 2 months now & after the looong wait - its almost ready. The head was purchased as an assembled kit - rest every thing assembled by me. Did fly a bit yest, was fun.

Am still learning to fly - i can hover tail in - that's it so far ...

Some details

HDX STK frame

Align Tail + Main gear + Blades

CopterX head

Scorpion 2221-8 motor

Castle Creations Ice Lite 50A

Hitec 65MG x 4

Esky Gyro + carbon boom

JR DSX7 Mode 2

wow! someone into RC flying! how much did you get the stuff for and from where??

There used to be a shop called India Hobby Shop or something @ Marine Lines that used to have these things and other flying kits long back.. now i have no idea though
Congrats raja....

Had been flying a RC Raptor Heli for a few years until I sold it...The learning curve is quite steep on these Heli's compared to the RC planes....I loved the hobby but now have left all my toys back home...

Have fun with it its amazing once you get the hang of it :)
Thank you moksh4u2, Anilreddyv99, dark.lord.rules, thetoxicmind, Black_Hawk, FaH33m

All the stuff got from online shops at HK, TW & US. Later, after visiting a few Indan RC forums - i came to there a lot of sellers here too, i future will chk thm out.

Yes, the learning curve is quite steep & i loved that challenge! Also, setting up a 450 + size heli is a daunting task in itself. I spent few hrs everyday for about 2 months for learning abt this (watching Bob's videos, assembling, tweaking, waiting for parts to arrive:p etc etc)

Yes - that motor powers the main & tail (through a belt) rotors

The main rotor is a copterX pre-assembled unit. I had to adjust the all the linkages so i get the right pitch at the right throttle position (like 0 degree in center position & +- 9 on either side). Regarding weight - the heli is tail heavy, so once we put in the right size battery - the heli bcomes balanaced (skids parallel to the grd)
videos please!once got a chance to play with my bro's heli.it was a petrol engine,big(apparently he made it at his ncc camp).and i crashed it in seconds of takeoff. :p have flown smaller toys since,but they werent any fun at all.