Hey Guys,
Rohan Chandrashekhar. Graduated from Purdue University as a Computer Engineer. 1st generation entrepreneur. Extreme performance enthusiast. Gadget freak. Gaming evangelist. Perfectionist. Maker of Arnie, Bruce Lee, and Dinosaur sounds. Stealer of bamboo for building tree houses. Amateur blues player (sometimes great, mostly bad!!). Protector of lush green gardens, wildlife, and environment. Hater of shopping. Passionate lover of window shopping. Teacher of karateka/judoka/kungfuka/whateverka for toddlers. Younger than the hills. Older than a spring chicken. Exclusive buyer of Suunto Dive deep sea watch. Owner of 3 unused credit cards, and 2 overused debit cards. Lover of life (for the most part!). Believer. Disbeliever. Mixed Bag.
I am here to team up with potential business partners towards a technology startup in New Delhi. Essentially, looking for Geeks and thorough-bred Nerds (like me!!) to connect with, in taking a very niche segment within the Indian technology industry to unexplored heights. Wish me luck
If you like, you can catch me on LinkedIn, Facebook, or follow me on Twitter.
Rohan Chandrashekhar. Graduated from Purdue University as a Computer Engineer. 1st generation entrepreneur. Extreme performance enthusiast. Gadget freak. Gaming evangelist. Perfectionist. Maker of Arnie, Bruce Lee, and Dinosaur sounds. Stealer of bamboo for building tree houses. Amateur blues player (sometimes great, mostly bad!!). Protector of lush green gardens, wildlife, and environment. Hater of shopping. Passionate lover of window shopping. Teacher of karateka/judoka/kungfuka/whateverka for toddlers. Younger than the hills. Older than a spring chicken. Exclusive buyer of Suunto Dive deep sea watch. Owner of 3 unused credit cards, and 2 overused debit cards. Lover of life (for the most part!). Believer. Disbeliever. Mixed Bag.
I am here to team up with potential business partners towards a technology startup in New Delhi. Essentially, looking for Geeks and thorough-bred Nerds (like me!!) to connect with, in taking a very niche segment within the Indian technology industry to unexplored heights. Wish me luck

If you like, you can catch me on LinkedIn, Facebook, or follow me on Twitter.