hello there...

hey there
im new here ..guess u`ve figured that out urself...

got here thru a ref. one of the mods here saiyan.

neways... u guys got some reall intrestin stuff here.

lets see how i can be of assistance....

ps. chk out my rig..
welcome bro.. to our wonderful community wherever everything he`s not a geek but reality he/she is :bleh:

anyways njoy your stay here ! have fun
thixkull said:
hey there
im new here ..guess u`ve figured that out urself...

got here thru a ref. one of the mods here saiyan.

neways... u guys got some reall intrestin stuff here.

lets see how i can be of assistance....

ps. chk out my rig..
tech portal numero uno... you're at the right place!! enter... post regular :eek:hyeah: