Hello World exploit for PSP slim & PSP 3000

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I haven't moved your posts from another thread, just merged your consecutive replies. Now if you originally intended to reply to some other thread kindly link it here so i can do the needful.
whats going on here...............:S :S

i think i had started this thread right...????

not gettin any thing whats goin.....how come ishashank name as thread starter...?? :huh::huh::huh:
I too managed to get chikHEN R2 working on my PSP 3000. Took a good 20+ tries before it worked though!

Also some of the homebrew games which i tried crashed, resulting in me having to redo entire chikHEN process from scratch :(

Anyone have a list of stuff that is confirmed working on the PSP 300 with chickHEN?
[quote name='fangface']
Also some of the homebrew games which i tried crashed, resulting in me having to redo entire chikHEN process from scratch :(

Why did you have to re-install the chickHEN once again? Did the crash disable your ability to play "ahem" downloaded ISO's "ahem"?

[What it does not do?]

- Run ISO, CSO or any other form of UMD backup.

- Run PSX Games

- Touch The Flash of your beloved PSP

- Magically allow the use of Custom Firmware (on TA-088v3 or PSP 3000)

- Load plugins

can you play ISO/CSO with chickhen?
SunnyBoi said:

can you play ISO/CSO with chickhen?
It in itself can't play ISO's. But you can download the latest fastloader and copy the 4 folders into the root of your memory stick and voila!!! your ISO's will play. Dont' know about emulators. Yesterday night I flashed it, so got to test it today after going back home.
neoronin said:
[quote name='fangface']
Also some of the homebrew games which i tried crashed, resulting in me having to redo entire chikHEN process from scratch :(

Why did you have to re-install the chickHEN once again? Did the crash disable your ability to play "ahem" downloaded ISO's "ahem"?

Didnt try any "ahem" ISO's, as the chikHEN notes clearly state that it would not play ISO's..

Couple of the homebrew games (old stuff like super mario etc) would hang and then cause a hard restart. A restart resets the PSP back to the OFW without chickHEN.
fangface said:
[quote name='neoronin']

Didnt try any "ahem" ISO's, as the chikHEN notes clearly state that it would not play ISO's..

Couple of the homebrew games (old stuff like super mario etc) would hang and then cause a hard restart. A restart resets the PSP back to the OFW without chickHEN.

Well, my suggestion is try to play them with fastloader and see the result. Worked for me.
neoronin said:
[quote name='fangface']

Well, my suggestion is try to play them with fastloader and see the result. Worked for me.

Will do! :)

BTW, are you using a PSP 3000? What is the version number of FastLoader that you tried?
fangface said:
[quote name='neoronin']

Will do! :)

BTW, are you using a PSP 3000? What is the version number of FastLoader that you tried?

The latest version is what I downloaded. I have a 2000.
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