My budget is 7k.
I am confused which one among the two to buy.
Intel x25-v 40GB or Corsair Force F40 40GB???
Which one of these two gives less latency and higher bandwidth??
if you want sheer performance then go for Corsair or i'll rather say wait for now as Mushkin Callisto is about to come in 40GB Variant.
it will cost you around 7k mark.
but IMO it's little better than Corsair,Support is better as well.
i've also heard some bad comments from users of corsair SSD's, the problem was sometimes it gets detected during the boot & sometimes it didn't..
if you want to buy an SSD now then get a Intel X25-V 40GB SSD for around 6k,if you have someone in US who can buy it for you then it'll cost you around 5k INR.
you can then upgrade to Mushkin later on.
but if i were you i would rather buy Mushkin Callisto 60GB SSD even though it costs around 10k.