Help:Cant run Office 12 (2007 beta) files on Office 2007 full

Office 12 (office 07 beta) files doesnt work on Office 07 full version. i get some error that the file is saved in office 07 beta format. and its corrupt/unrecoverable.. blah blah. im depresed. dad's gonna kill me. anyone has office 07 beta installer?
cant post screenie. difficult. formatted dad's laptop today n unable to install old Office 12 (office 07 beta)
r u talking of .docx files that you created in office12 beta?? If u really wanna open these files... just use winrar to open them... and u'll find a host of XML files. Its a relationship of XML files that are created to form the package...

Check out the attached image for a relationship of XML sheets!!


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