Help : Chart : Physics

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Keane 16

Gotta make a chart ... physics ...(yea, charts in class 11 !)

Egs - Labelled diagram of vernier calliper's, labelled diagram of screw gauge ...

Basically anything physics related that doesn't take too much time ...

Please suggest some topics asap ...
Cant remember much about 11th physics. :(

Do something on principles of light or motion.

Or take one out of the 2 examples and do it.
if you have studied semiconductors then do maybe on basics bcc, fcc structures. would be helpful to you even in exams in understanding

i don't remember now if this was in 11th or 12th though :P

why do schools ask for such bullshit puzzles me. What will anyone gain after making a diagram of vernier callipers, instead a practical class might do everyone a lot of good.(alas schools never conduct a practical class seriously do they?)
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