PC Peripherals Help choosing first printer

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I am looking to get a printer for my home.

The main usage would be printing of documents, tickets etc. Photograph printing is not really a requirement (I think I could get these printed outside if needed?).
But do want one with a flatbed scanner and if possible fax and copy functions too.

Not really sure what the budget would be for a printer like this but would like to get one which offers good VFM.

Please advice on what to look for and any suggestions when purchasing a printer.

if you want fax get a epson tx300f.. retails for about 6.3k i believe. Has 4 individual in cartridges which is probably not the best value for money but since ur printing is low it should suffice. Plus it has adf and incase your demand ever increases you can always get refillable carts from ebay for about 2k which would last you a couple of years for sure!

To get advice of value on this, you must specify the volume of printing (pages/month) for colour and black.
the volume of printing would be around 100 pages/month I guess (dont anticipate color printing as mentioned in my first post).

would prefer laser (as I think it has better document printing quality?) but if I can get good quality document prints on a deskjet at cheaper price that would be good too.
For your printing volume needs an inkjet is good enough though with dropping prices of printers and your need for only black a laser makes more sense.

Inkjets of today give very decent print quality which should be good enough for almost anything. However, inkjet prints don't last as well as laser specially if you are in a humid place like Chennai.

So if black printing is all I wanted I would go with a cheap laser.

But your first post describes an AIO and not just a printer. A laser AIO will cost a pretty packet.

My own take on this is that you should not go for a AIO unless you have space constraints like we do in Mumbai. I believe a printer has inherently much lower life expectancy than a scanner and it would be a pity to junk an entire AIO when the printer has to be finally decommissioned.
Hmm.. that does make a lot of sense.

I don't have a space constraint but don't really want several separate devices on my desk.

So guess I would have to stick to the inkjets then.
Just wanted to post that I had visited ezone yesterday and saw this really cheap Epson tx1110 (or something like that) for 3K net.

Has scan, copy and print functions and was thinking of getting it (as it sounded damn cheap) but just wanted to read up on it before doing so and am glad I didn't get it now. :)
The user reviews of it seem to have nothing good to say about it and only bad experiences seem to be in plenty.
If you are looking for an AIO, do have a look at the Canon MP258. One of the best basic AIOs in that price range.
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