Help !!Custom clearance concerns when travelling to India from abroad...

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All the peeps who travel in and out of India, some questions regarding customs.....

How much electronic stuff are you allowed to carry with yourself, inflight or in checked baggage ?

Do the customs open and inspect every bag ?

:huh: :huh:

Honestly, If you look innocent enough, they wont care.

I got hardware worth some 1500$ + a Laptop + a few household appliances + an LCD monitor in my hand., back from USA in 2005, It was only me and my Mom, So they didnt even care.

According to Rules, Limit is Rs.25000 + 1 Laptop + 2 Litres of Alcohol.. per person..

No they dont inspect every bag :/...

Although, make sure not too much is in each bag.
And watch out, the custom limit while coming to India from abroad varies from country to country.. i dont remember the exact rates though :(

and on a similar note, watch your luggage and keep it within the weight limit.. my sis had a bad (expensive) experience while going out of India recently :|
The value of the goods you bring from a country depends on how long you have been there in that country and what purpose you are using those products (personal use goods are excempted from duty) like such.
If you want to know it exactly you have to read the Customs Act, Baggage Rules, the same is amended in the year 2006.
From the following link, you can read the Baggage Rules:

You can always claim lot of goods as personal use goods, like laptop, perfumes, music player, camera, mobile phone etc.
The customs limit is about 20K INR worth of goods at Bangalore airport. But if you're stuff is small eough to fit into your cabin baggage, they really won't care. I brought a 7600GT, a Zen vision M, and a Fujifilm s5200 all stuffed in my cabin bag.:D
The customs limit is 25K INR if you are returning from US/Europe. I think its lower for countries in the proximity. I don't recollect exactly. However so far I've not paid a single buck in customs. Most of my trips, I've carried back 1000$+ worth of stuff with me. This time round, I had 700$+ worth of watercooling equipment, 3 cams and some more random stuff. They marked my wc box for inspection. I got away by showing them a bill of 150$ which I had made specially for the customs dudes :rofl:.
Btw, If your returning thru a Flight from Singapore or sumthing, Tell them your coming back from USA, DONT Mention SG :P..
The limit of 25k, does it include items that are open or boxed packed ?

Or it doesn't matter, everything is considered for custom that are open or packed which was bought in US ??
If you take something expensive from here, say like a Video Camera, to USA to record ur visit, etc, then be sure the declare it in Customs, while going.. Else you may have to pay duty :P... Lol..
guys I have already posted a link for the baggage rules of Indian Customs, but I think noone bohtered to go to that site and read it.
I am posting the rules here
a) All passengers of and above 10 years of age and returning after stay abroad of more than three days
(i) Used personal effects, excluding jewellery, required for satisfying daily necessities of life.

(ii) Articles other than those mentioned in Annex. I upto a value of Rs. 25,000 if these are carried on the person or in the accompanied baggage of the passenger.

b) All passengers of and above 10 years of age and returning after stay abroad of three days or less.
(i) Used personal effects, excluding jewellery, required for satisfying daily necessities of life.

(ii) Articles other than those mentioned in Annex. I upto a value of Rs. 12,000 if these are carried on the person or in the accompanied baggage of the passenger.

c) All passengers up to 10 years of age and returning after stay abroad of more than three days.

(i) Used personal effects, excluding jewellery, required for satisfying daily necessities of life.

(ii) Articles other than those mentioned in Annex. I upto a value of Rs. 6,000 if these are carried on the person or in the accompanied baggage of the passenger.

d) All passengers upto 10 years of age and returning after stay abroad of three days or less.

(i) Used personal effects, excluding jewellery, required for satisfying daily necessities of life.

(ii) Articles other than those mentioned in Annex. I upto a value of Rs. 3,000 if these are carried on the person or in the accompanied baggage of the passenger.

Annex I
1. Firearms.
2. Cartridges of fire arms exceeding 50.
3. Cigarettes exceeding 200 or cigars exceeding 50 or tobacco exceeding 250 gms.
4. Alcoholic liquor or wines in excess of two litres .
5. Gold or silver, in any form, other than ornaments.
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