guys I have already posted a link for the baggage rules of Indian Customs, but I think noone bohtered to go to that site and read it.
I am posting the rules here
a) All passengers of and above 10 years of age and returning after stay abroad of more than three days
(i) Used personal effects, excluding jewellery, required for satisfying daily necessities of life.
(ii) Articles other than those mentioned in Annex. I upto a value of Rs. 25,000 if these are carried on the person or in the accompanied baggage of the passenger.
b) All passengers of and above 10 years of age and returning after stay abroad of three days or less.
(i) Used personal effects, excluding jewellery, required for satisfying daily necessities of life.
(ii) Articles other than those mentioned in Annex. I upto a value of Rs. 12,000 if these are carried on the person or in the accompanied baggage of the passenger.
c) All passengers up to 10 years of age and returning after stay abroad of more than three days.
(i) Used personal effects, excluding jewellery, required for satisfying daily necessities of life.
(ii) Articles other than those mentioned in Annex. I upto a value of Rs. 6,000 if these are carried on the person or in the accompanied baggage of the passenger.
d) All passengers upto 10 years of age and returning after stay abroad of three days or less.
(i) Used personal effects, excluding jewellery, required for satisfying daily necessities of life.
(ii) Articles other than those mentioned in Annex. I upto a value of Rs. 3,000 if these are carried on the person or in the accompanied baggage of the passenger.
Annex I
1. Firearms.
2. Cartridges of fire arms exceeding 50.
3. Cigarettes exceeding 200 or cigars exceeding 50 or tobacco exceeding 250 gms.
4. Alcoholic liquor or wines in excess of two litres .
5. Gold or silver, in any form, other than ornaments.