Graphic Cards Help deciding GPU for SB Rig

mihir.khatwani said:
If the rig is for gaming then the Core i7 2600k is pointless I would go with the Core i52500k and save some money.

As far as the GPU is concerned the GTX 580 is just 10-14% faster than the GX 570 so the GTX 570 is the way to go.

The HD6970 would be completely ridiculous in front of the GTX570 since the GTX 570 trumps it at every resolution till 1920x1200 and loses on the higher resolutions like the 2560x1600 but that because of the the lower VRAM compared to the HD6970. ;)

Going with a multi-GPU config for a new build is completely ridiculous since when a single capable GPU is available which won't slack then why go for a multi-GPU config.

I have already purchased the i7 2600k and IMO it is far better to go for an i7 than an i5 for a more robust build. 10-15% performance difference is what separates the mid-range GPUs from the high-end ones. With any high-end GPU the VFM goes down & you are simply paying the extra 30-50% price for just staying on the cutting edge. I understand that now days with the console bias practically any mid-high end card can play games comfortably @ 1080p but often the extra muscle that multi-gpu configs provide ends up giving a much smoother maxed out gaming experience on demanding titles specially for multi-monitor gaming.
ALPHA17 said:

overall the benchmarks are similar for both cards but nVidia optimized games Physx based games are biased towards the nVidia GTX 570, in rest the AMD card leads decisevely and I feel is a better card for gaming and a multi-monitor set-up. Power consumption is also a big plus point in AMD's bag -- AnandTech - Bench - GPU11

I am also inclining towards the AMD gpu route as practically two HD 6850s CF eat less juice than a single GTX 580 & still beat the crap out of it.
I would trust hardOCP and hardwarecanucks over anandtech and guru3d anyday,since they are much more accurate and the benchmarker at hardocp is a genius

Ok so next,no the multi-GPU configs are always a pathetic choice,and this fact is not debatable since it is a fact.
A multi GPU will
produce more heat
consume more power
will have driver issues
will also make proper cable management difficult
will not be as impressive as one might think so and also if any problem arises trouble shooting is a nightmare.
And also decreases the options of upgradibility

And no the HD6850 CF will need a 650W PSU whereas the GTX 580 will need a 600W PSU.
And the GTX 570 is an amazing card and will handle all the games maxxed out at a playable FPS.
And by no means it is a mid end card.
And atleast the tech aware people like and me shouldn't be fooled by the company's tactics by getting the more expensive card for a cutting edge and paying 9K+ for a few FPS gains according to me is completely stupid.The fact that we know these things makes us more aware about technology than noobs who would post about getting the best and then would end up getting which shows highest up on the charts rather than getting the second highest one with not much of a difference but a way loer price.

AND since you mentioned consoles,,
It is because the games are build on a closed loop system that is why they are being able to be played on a console.Similar thing like the latest mac os can also run on a much older hardware.
THe PS3 cell processor is nowhere compared to the modernday processors but still it is able to play games equally since it the game has been optimised for one particular set of configuration not like the multi million permutations and compinations of PCs available.
mihir.khatwani said:
I would trust hardOCP and hardwarecanucks over anandtech and guru3d anyday,since they are much more accurate and the benchmarker at hardocp is a genius

Ok so next,no the multi-GPU configs are always a pathetic choice,and this fact is not debatable since it is a fact.

A multi GPU will

produce more heat

consume more power

will have driver issues

will also make proper cable management difficult

will not be as impressive as one might think so and also if any problem arises trouble shooting is a nightmare.

And also decreases the options of upgradibility

And no the HD6850 CF will need a 650W PSU whereas the GTX 580 will need a 600W PSU.

And the GTX 570 is an amazing card and will handle all the games maxxed out at a playable FPS.

And by no means it is a mid end card.

And atleast the tech aware people like and me shouldn't be fooled by the company's tactics by getting the more expensive card for a cutting edge and paying 9K+ for a few FPS gains according to me is completely stupid.The fact that we know these things makes us more aware about technology than noobs who would post about getting the best and then would end up getting which shows highest up on the charts rather than getting the second highest one with not much of a difference but a way loer price.

AND since you mentioned consoles,,

It is because the games are build on a closed loop system that is why they are being able to be played on a console.Similar thing like the latest mac os can also run on a much older hardware.

THe PS3 cell processor is nowhere compared to the modernday processors but still it is able to play games equally since it the game has been optimised for one particular set of configuration not like the multi million permutations and compinations of PCs available.
everyone has a right to opinion & seeing that you have just entered adulthood one can understand your over exuberance.

IMHO i dont think you are much tech aware anyways. Any one can read up reviews on tech sites & pretend to be the fountain of tech wisdom. But theres no point arguing with the likes of you.

I suggest to the good-natured people of TE, kindly ban trolls like this one, who does not bring anything tangible to any discussion but goes on running his mouth claiming to be "tech-aware" yet at a loss when it comes to troubleshooting or building his own damn rig.

Learned knowledge is not everything at the end of the day, the real so called "tech-aware" people take pleasure in tweaking & troubleshooting their rigs till it reaches perfection. This, my young friend comes not only through googling but rather by getting your hands dirty!!
HAHA good try mate.

But I am not some obnoxious teen on which the above reply would work on.

Wouldn't reply.I don't into fall such petty traps,

and as far as reviews are concerned I would read the posts before this and look that not me but other members blindly follow review while me I am doing an Internship at NVIDIA :D.

BTW When the tech knowledge tank is exhausted don't get personal.
funny dint remember that doing internship at nvidia will make a scrawny lil kid some tech think-tank.

listen noob do more internships & try to get a job so that when you grow up & have money you dont have to break your daddy's bank just to poke your freckled nose into grown-ups' business.
devvfata1ity said:
funny dint remember that doing internship at nvidia will make a scrawny lil kid some tech think-tank.
listen noob do more internships & try to get a job so that when you grow up & have money you dont have to break your daddy's bank just to poke your freckled nose into grown-ups' business.
GROW UP :bleh::bleh: