Storage Solutions Help! Dvd: Error Message

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i burnt lotsa mp3s onto a dvd (multi sessioned actually)
its a Maxel R+ dvd (which are of very good quality)
burnt at 2.4x

When i try to open it now i get an error message saying "No Data on Tape"


Please help!

Thank yoU!
did yo try that dvd on any other system ? More over tell if ur system is a desktop or laptop.

Cheers !
I'm using a desktop PC..
I havnt tried it in any other PC (yet)
My drive is an LG 4163b with no problems so far.. :(
Dude, i havnt able to get to another dvd-drive so still testing with mine..

I cant get a proper screen shot of Transfer Rate Test (thats TRT isnt it?) with Nero CD/DVD-Speed..

just a triangle like thingy is the end result.

i was getting the same results with other Maxel R+ dvds..

everything seems to be working now though after rebooting my PC

Thanks everyone for their help :)
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