HELP!! - FiveNet broadband problem

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My ISP is my local cablewallah who used to have a tie-up with Nivyah broadband. He switched to Five Net about a month ago and ever since I’m unable to download any file in excess of 5-6 MB from the internet. Most of the time the download doesn’t start at all… once in a while it starts but stops in between and always at the same spot (for e.g. if I’m downloading a 10MB file and it stops at 5.4MB, it will always stop at 5.4MB no matter how many times I restart the download). This happens across browsers (IE, FF, Safari) and operating systems (Win XP, OS X) so whatever is wrong has to be at the ISP end. I’ve tried changing the DNS server from FiveNet’s DNS to OpenDNS and Google DNS, but the problem remains.

What can be the issue? Is the ISP blocking some ports (80?) that is leading to this problem? If so, what's the workaround?

Please help me to resolve this urgently… this is driving me crazy!!

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