Storage Solutions Help Hard Disc dead

help my WD IDE 320GB hard disc in portable case just died i was copying some songs of 45GB to it and it suddenly stoped and my pc hanged i pressed the reset button and when the os loaded so i con't see the hard disk in my computer i went to disk manager but i didn't see it there

i ran almost all the recovery softwares i had but still no use it's still dead:( :( :( :( :( :(

can any one tell me waht to do:huh: :huh:

i had valuable data in it and i don't want to loose it:huh: :huh:
Try removing the hard disk from casing and plugging it directly onto the comp :)

if everything else fails : (try at your own risk :p)

Pack your hard disk into a polythene bag and keep it in Fridge for 3-4 hours, take it out and run it. It should give you 15 mins to copy all the data off it.
(have done this with my HDD :) and it worked out fine)
Connect the HDD directly to mother boards IDE connector and check if it gets recognised. If it does then the problem is in the external case.

HDDs get quite hot inside external cases, if I am going to be copying a lot of data I normally remove the external case's cover and leave the HDD open to cooling with a desktop fan. I have seen an external HDD in an eSATA case running over 50C during just a FORMAT of the drive :O

EDIT: I now saw your reply about having tried connecting the HDD direct to MoBo with no luck :(

read this... the HDD in a fridge is a known method to revive a dead HDD :) ....
ok that happens a lot . HDD freezing up when you try to boot. Do this thing.

Connect your HDD to different IDE cable channel that no other device is on.

Press the cable ends hard enuf just to make sure they are properly inserted and try it :)

btw HDD was supposed to be kept in fridge not freezer :p and its for 2-3 hrs atleast :p
freezer is better since the temp is lower therefore you have little more time before it reaches cutoff temp.

Of course the key is to keep it *DRY*, so a ziplock bag is ideal for the job.
^well it was dry in the freezer i kept it in a polythene bag and blocked all the open holes with industrial strength tape

@ultra vires

i don't have any thing connected to IDE everything in connected through SATA i used 2 different ide cables but nothing

and about the freezing the file that Mr Eazy gave me all the solutions were of freezing so i froze it in a freezer insted of a refrigerator
i fixed the HDD :hap2: :hap2: :hap2: :hap2: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

i took it to my cousin's home and connected it directly through ide and then :D it was all ok so i copied the most important data and i formatted it then put it back in it's enclosure and done HDD fixed:bleh:

thanks for your replies i really appreciate your help:hap2: :hap2: :hap2: :hap2:
Photographer said:
i fixed the HDD

put it back in it's enclosure and done HDD fixed


like I said some HDDs get pretty hot inside external cases, so be careful if you have it powered on for long periods of time.
Well thats certainly good news...but its curious it did not work when you did the same at your home. You did connect directly to ide too :)
@ easy i'll just keep it in the cabby and plug it in directly and a fan to blow air over it


yup i connected it directly to ide bout didn't but now it is connected through the same cable and it works on my pc:D