Help in choosing the External HD


Hi Guys,

i am planning to buy an External Drive disk(1 or 2TB) and had reviewed some of the threads in TE and picked to buy the WD because of onsite warrant.

one more question

and my PC is Desktop, you want me to for External or Internal HD.

if i go for internal, is there any system will be slow..? any cons.

please suggest me and planning to buy based on your suggestions this weekend.

Thanks in Advance
Best is to wait for a few months to get one. In the current scenario, it not advisable to get one, unless you are rich, have around 7K to blow on either.

Get an external if you want more space and dont mind keeping a power cable with it. Max capacity ~ upto 4 TB.

Internal ~ More expensive than external, generally slower but no need to keep power cable, works on USB power. Max capacity ~ 1TB

Wait till the water level at WD decreases. Its just not worth paying those precious greenies and pinkies as of now, for HDDs that survived the flood. :no: