CPU/Mobo Help in pin-pointing the problem

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So i got a hd 4870 and without upgrading my psu i started playing games on my pc.
i have a generic (colorsit) 450 w psu and it used to run my 7900 gs with ease.

there are two games i am playing right now - PES2009 and GRID.

when playing PES, there is no problem whatsoever in the gameplay.
however when i play grid after a couple of minutes the screen freezes, i press alt+tab , wait for a few seconds and then continue again from where i left-off.this problem repeats after a couple of minutes.

earlier i just blamed my psu and was going to change it but had to wait till i had enough money. however during the past few days i have noticed that just before the screen freeezes, the processor fan whines very loudly and it stops whining as soon as i press alt+tab.

so now i am wondering whether it's a problem of my processor getting overheated, as i am using a 250 bucks CPU fan. however my pc doesn't crash or anything even when cpu usage is 100% . iwas encoding around 500 songs the other day which used 100% of my cpu power and the system did the work without flinching.

so now i have the money to either buy a psu - Gigabyte superb 460w or a good cpu cooler like SCCF120.

so guys kindly help in diagnosing the actual problem and the solution.
1st of all: Buy a New PSU asap. You are putting your GPU, HDD, CPu, Mobo at Ultra-high Risk!

You need Atleast CM RP460W for running HD4870 safely.

Or just purchase VX450.

Then run your pc, run Coretemp and let us know the CPU temp, Mobo temp.
^ +1

If you are very tight budget, get CM Real Power 460 OR seasonic 430W. Don't mind paying some more cash rather than crying

later for damaging your expensive components.

Post CPU Temps as suggested.
thanks guys i know i have to change my psu, but is this the reason of the specific problem i am facing.

as for cpu temps i use the mobo utility that came along with my Biostar tpower i45 on which idle is at 32 and full load is 72.

the full load temp worries me.

also my gpu temps are 47 at idle and 63 at full load.

don't you think i should go for a cpu cooler first

also iwould be going for gigabyte superb 460w as suggested by many members here
Stick with Corsair OR Seasonic PSU.

Regarding CPU Temp, yes load temp is high but you can't rely on sensors. Also try posting temps thru RealTemp.
thanks so this means the cpu is getting overheated. i guess it's time to buy a new cpu cooler
Try above steps first to check temps get reduced or not. Try if dust is clogged between heatsink fins, then clean it also.

Buying PSU is damn necessary for you, keep this in mind. :cool2:
try to reseat your stock heatsink by reapplying thermal paste..

seeing your real temp temperatures it seem little on high side but not alarmingly high coz in your scenario your PSU is big drawback and it can pose risk to all other components so if i was you i would have got new PSU...i read here only on TE how a guy suffered losses due to some iball PSU :S :|

btw which cpu ??
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