Help Installing MSDOS 6.22 to hdd

Hi...y'day one of our very important server running novel netware 3.12 gone dead.. Fortunately i once took backup of the hdd to another hdd.. So, now i have a exact copy of the hdd.. but i cannot make it boot :(

What i did to get it working is started 'server.exe' in the hdd by booting from a 'bootable dos6.22 cd'.

I cant do this everytime.. Now what i wanna get done is to auto boot from the hdd and autostart 'server.exe'..

I tried the following but i cant get it to work..

Format Drive C using fdisk

Choose create Dos Partion
Create primary dos partition
Select YES, when “ to use maximum allocation spaceâ€
Back to dos 6.22 prompt , format drive C: 'format c:/s'
Back to dos 6.22 prompt, copy ALL file TO C: 'COPY *.* C:

Please help me to get this done..


I didn't get where you are facing problem.

format c: /s should make the HDD bootable. so are you able to boot from hdd without CD at this pojnt?

If you can boot, then all you need is for server.exe to auto start at boot right? For that just open the autoexec.bat file (create one with this name if you don't have it already) and then put the command server.exe (full path if its in a sub dir) and save the file. Next time you boot the system, server.exe should run automatically.

btw. copy *.* copies only the files in the current directory. If you have sub directories, they are not replicated by this command. You will need to use xcopy to replicate your entire dir structure.
format c: /s should make the HDD bootable. Alternatively try sys c: after formatting the hdd. This would also make the hdd bootable.
@Lord Nemesis: no brother.. I could't get it to work.. Iam still booting from CD and starting up the server :(

@kekerode: ya i did make the partition active from fdisk..