Help: Is ASUS UL80Vt available in India?


Hello friends,

I did some research in the ULV category laptops and found that ASUS UL80Vt is the best in terms of graphics (switchable graphics) and battery life (more than 10 hours).

Where can I buy this laptop?

I live in Pune, but can buy this in Mumbai or online too.

I will be going to germany in 20 days, but the german version has the "z" and "y" keys interchanged, which does not suit my typing style.

UL30VT is amazing ... I love travelling with this netbook/laptop .. though the battery life advertised for all these models is a bit over the top .. UL30VT lasts for around 5hrs on Wi-Fi/Movie watching on a full charge so i guess 80VT would do the same as the load is also increased slightly ..

All reviews point to the battery life of 10 hours on wifi for ul80vt... I'll take a chance.


Did you get a quote from kmd? Would be very interested if I can get it within 20 days via kmd.

Thanks for the info guys. Now, I will have to go with the german version, sigh..

BTW, one more question. What is the difference between UL80Vt-A2 and UL80VT-WX028V?

Couldn't find it on the net.

P.S. I need an optical drive to install all my purchased software. I cannot always copy them on a flash drive... Hence, I opted for the UL80VT
@Greeny - Its x1 ..(wasnt trying to showoff :ashamed: )
To all here who think what life reviews are done correctly , its a lie .. The 30vt i have has a lower load than 80vt, the same a battery and a LED Screen .. So i think it would put less load on a battery than 80vt .. Anyways 10 hrs it way to much .. Safely assume that this thing would last for 6hrs max (WiFi + Movies) ..
I had a chance to go for 80vt where in amazon its says 10 hrs battery life but at that price point its neither a full laptop nor a vfm netbook ..

Dude, I did not mean to say that I disbelieve you. I just meant that if you get 6 hrs on wifi + movies, then I can get 10 hrs on wifi alone.

And please post your review on TE so that people like me can some trusted information.