HELP - Low frame rate in DVD player

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I have one of those DVD players which allow you to play movies directly through the USB stick. Recently I have noticed that in some movies, the frame rate drops considerably during some parts causing the video and audio to stutter and sometimes skip entire scenes completely. This generally happens during action sequences or scenes with a lot of background noise but I have also seen it happen in seemingly low intensity scenes as well. The same movie from the same USB stick plays perfectly on my LG LCD TV which also has a USB in. Any ideas whts causing this and how I could rectify it.

Thanks for your help guys.
^^ yup, ur DVD player hardware is not able to decode the movie fast enough during those fast moving scenes. Encoding with a lower bitrate or using a different format might help. Anyways your TV seems to have newer and more powerful hardware so it plays well. I had the same prob with my old DVD player. Got myself an amkette flash TV which plays most movies well. Another good option is the nbox media player.
Anything I can do with my existing DVD player which may solve the problem??? The wife would really not appreciate another piece of tech hardware near the TV now.
Your only option is to re-encode into a format/bitrate which the DVD player can handle.
Not worth the trouble IMO. Just get a FlashTV/Nbox. FlashTV is quite small.

BTW why not use just the LCD TV if it can handle the movies?
agupta02 said:
Anything I can do with my existing DVD player which may solve the problem??? The wife would really not appreciate another piece of tech hardware near the TV now.
An obvious problem with hubbys shared and occurring almost everywhere on planet. I understand .Sigh!!!!

Try using a faster pen drive.Format it with fat32.It had helped me once.
@arvnd: Thats cuz I have 2 TVs and the one in question is a 2 year old Bravia which did not come with a USB option. In fact, part of the reason for going for the LG WAS the option of playing movies directly from the USB stick which is only available with LG currently AFAIK.

Based on all your responses I think it will be a more convenient option to go for the media box and retire the DVD player as it would become redundant anyway. I have seen one of those and IT IS small which should make for less clutter and eventually a happy wife :D. Thanks for your help guys. Really appreciate it
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