Monitors Help me choose a high-res monitor for work (LG/Benq/Samsung/)

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Hey, I am a tech startup founder from India working from home in a remote setting. I am looking for a nice MONITOR for work with the following points:

  • 27-32 inch screen: I am planning to keep it on the desk itself, next to the laptop. So I believe 27-28inch is the sweet spot.
  • 4K or similar high-res: A lot of my work involves design, colors and programming. So a high PPI and accurate color display is a mu
  • Best Possible Eye Care: I have extremely poor eyesight (-10 myopia) and still work in Tech spending 6-8 hours easily everyday in front on the screen. And working late nights most days. So need ultimate eye care display
  • Sturdy, Solid Build: My current Samsung SA100 monitor has worked nicely for the last 11 years. I want to use my new monitor for 5-7 years at least
  • NO GAMING needs
  • Speakers optional, not particularly important
  • IPS Display? I've heard it's much better than VA and others
  • Under 30000 INR ($400)
All 3 monitors I shortlisted cost almost the same, and deliver almost the same stuff.
  • LG 68.58 cm (27 inch) 4K-UHD 27UL650 : Amazon IN
  • SAMSUNG 27 inch 4K Ultra HD LS27A800NMWXXL : Amazon IN
  • BenQ 28 inches 4K UHD EW2880U : Amazon IN
So help me choose one of these. OR RECOMMEND something much better for my use case? Thanks in advance!
BenQ EW2880U or the BenQ EW3270U. The EW2880U has an IPS panel, compared to the EW3270U's VA panel.
The EW3270U seems to come with BenQ's home grown eye care protection, and has a higher contrast ratio then the other monitors in the price range. It is a VA panel though, though it seems to be one of the better panels.
I feel 32 inch might be too big for desk usage viewing so closely. So for now ordered the Benq EW2880U. Let's see!
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