Help me choose between these 2 laptops

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hi, i'm looking for a mid range laptop and have narrowed down my choices to 2 models based on my budget

Samsung NP305E5A-S01IN: Compare, Review Samsung Notebook
Samsung NP300E5Z-S08IN 2 Gen Ci5/4GB/750GB/1GB graphics/DOS: Compare, Review Samsung Notebook
there are plenty of ratings n reviews on the 2nd one on flipkart bt none for the 1st
all the spec in the 2 are same except the processor and the graphics. Considering there is just about 2k difference in the price pls suggest me which one i should go for and why..
Primary uses uses would be HDmovies/multimedia, office work and occassional not-so-serious gaming
Thanks :)
Go for the second one
AMD quad core equals i3 in performance..
The second one is i5 ... With nVidia gfx
Rest specs are better with AMD laptop.

Go for i5 , add more 4 gb RAM
Even I was on the same dilemma earlier.
Finally removed AMD option.

Sent from my HTC Flyer P510e using Tapatalk 2
thanks fore de reply mate, so u mean to say i5 n amd quad have vast performance differences ? and what about the graphics ?
NVidia is slightly better than AMD gfx solution. From notebook gfx comparison charts
NVidia 525mx has 100mhz more clock speed at 900 mhZ.

For your needs (& mine too) Intel 3000 hd should be sufficient...
NVidia 525mx comes with Optimus technology.. you can switch between Intel gfx onboard and 525mx as per need. Which is in second laptop you mentioned
Leads to better battery backup..

i5 is definitely better than AMD quad core. How much better is matter of debate. AMD clocks at 1.5ghz vs 2.5ghz of i5

Anyways I am no expert ,talking from my last few days research.. correct me if I am wrong.
I5 is the best u can do and the graphic card is a advantage Hd3000 would let u play old games but not new ones so I feel u should get the second one if its in ur budget!

These two laptop is better for mid game and all the other works to do.
Samsung NP305E5A-S01IN, Samsung NP300E5Z-S08IN They both are different from the generation category.
They can give you the best performance mate. But you have to go with 2nd Generation Core i5 laptop with NVIDIA GeForce GT 520MX 1 GB DDR3.
Because NVIDIA GeForce GT 520MX is the best against AMD Radeon HD 6470M 1 GB DDR3 for your gaming.

Hope this help.

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