CPU/Mobo Help me connect the Front pannel audio connections

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As you all know if you had visited my previous thread i recently changed my MOBO

every thing went smooth except for the front pannel connections

I got the LED's and reset power switch rite except for

Front pannel audio connections

Here is the diagram from the manual

[attachment=11056:Front pannel audio.JPG]

Here is the connectors that ar availlable with my zebby peace

R ret

R out



Mic Power



can some one tell me which one goes where?
I just posted the usual pin config and changed the pin names as per your mobo. Most of the cabinets have same pin name as you mentioned.
dude if i connect my hEad phone to the fron pannel sound is only comming from the right side
Usually in most of the chassis, all the 9 audio wires are joined together into one single connector, which fits only in one way to the lack of one hole.

Do check your chassis front-panal connector. If possible post a snap as well
Pin 1 Port1L - MIC Power (L)

Pin 2 Ground - GND

Pin 3 Port1R - MIC IN(R)

Pin 4 Presence#

Pin 5 Port2R - LINE OUT FR

Pin 6 Sense1_Ret - LINE OUT RR

Pin 7 Sense-Send

Pin 8 No pin

Pin 9 Port2L - LINE OUT FL

Pin 10 Sense2_Ret- LINE OUT RL
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