CPU/Mobo help me diagnose.

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I recently assemble is a PC, but there was no display, i assume it the mobo, that is faulty, i have checked the GPU in another computer and it is working, while the PC which i was assembling, the Cpu cooler was working, i hope it has not damage my CPU and ram, let me know your experiences.. i don't wanna loses on CPU and RAM.

first of all let me know your config. mate. If you have two ram chips then you can install one and check. I need further details like cpu, mobo, etc.,

Try booting the pc without installing the ram ( I mean 1ly the psu, cpu, mobo shud be connected). In this case you shud hear a beep relating to RAM. Refer your mobo manual for beeps. If your mobo doesnt beep even if you havent inserted the rams in the slots, then surely its a mobo or a cpu issue (but most probably a mobo issue)

hope this helps...
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