help me get my seagate HDD back please .-what do i do ?

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Analog Vibes
around 2 months and few days back my HDD -80 gb seagate just stopped working and then i gave it for RMA at the Accel Frontline RMA centre of seagate in andheri. thru my uncle who had got the HD for me...

and it's been 2 months now..they have not returned me the HDD saying u will surely get a replacement sir but there is no stock now..

the guy there tells me to call after 3-4 days..and every time i call up he says the same thing that there is no stock and all ..once he told me to come and collect it after 3 days..and when my uncle went to get the HDD..he again said we dont have stock etc and started givin i am really fed cauz its been full 2 months now..and still nothing is done.. i dont have any contacts @ the centre..cant do anything..

i am trying to write a mail to the accel frontline i got some more contact info from seagate site.

is there anything else i can do thru internet or telephone to get my HDD as soon as uncle went to the centre and even had a small fight kinda thing and said tht next time he goes there to collect the HDD he will may even ask for a higher capacity like 120/160 gb if they wil not give 80 gb..and will not return without the HDD.

but is there anything i can do...please tell me..i knw i ve been a fool waiting for so long...

does anyone have any contacts or anything or can help me out !
Eh this is strange... the same place never took more than 5 days for me to get a new hard drive and these were 160 and 200 gig drives in the days when the standard size of a hard drive was 20-40GB. 80GB is the most common drive... not having that is impossible. Write to the customer service at this address

I hope you have the paper they gave u when they took the drive. Quote the RMA no etc.
Chaos said:
Eh this is strange... the same place never took more than 5 days for me to get a new hard drive and these were 160 and 200 gig drives in the days when the standard size of a hard drive was 20-40GB. 80GB is the most common drive... not having that is impossible. Write to the customer service at this address

I hope you have the paper they gave u when they took the drive. Quote the RMA no etc.

yeah i have that sheet which has the RMA no .and all ....thanx for the email id..i hope something is done soon..once they even told that they had lost the track of all HDD's tht came for RMA after NOV. 15th- to NOV .end...

adn now as they've found it they r replacing them as soon as possible.

and gave me a cell. no of some one called MR. Abu who as per him is the manager..but no one ever answers calls on that cell no. !!:huh:
If they do not respond, write to them saying that since you have the receipt with you, will sue them for not giving a replacement and also for the mental trauma you have gone through. Atleast they may respond after that. They cannot just keep on saying that the product is out of stock.

A long time back I had to return a 10GB HDD for replacement. Those drives were not in stock and he could not give a replacement even after a month. So he gave a 13GB HDD as replacement free of any extra cost.
Write to them ....await the answer.......
GO personally...and STAY CALM..if they say come after 3-4 days...tell that person to GIVE U IN WRITING.......if he shuns ...then tel him to give now...or u want to meet the incharge there........get something on paper....and tell them u would voice this issue up using the media.....
wht manager..i have been there personally....and believe me if u try calling them...even they sit on table they doesnt respond.......when i was there with my 80gb disc.......1 guy was busy processing some stuff in comp...where as phone on his table rang...and guy nest to him was busy flirting with another gal...the phone rang and rang.....and hey never replied......

I would say tell the call guy.......give me the disc..or any replacement today......if u dont i wont come again..ull see them in consumer court......And believe me dude......if u get the disc do sue them...u will win compensation i am sure...and also they will become more friendly......

I guess u can easily earn 5k-10k easily...i have seen alot of such stuffs shown on star news and cnbc......
magnet said:
wht manager..i have been there personally....and believe me if u try calling them...even they sit on table they doesnt respond.......when i was there with my 80gb disc.......1 guy was busy processing some stuff in comp...where as phone on his table rang...and guy nest to him was busy flirting with another gal...the phone rang and rang.....and hey never replied......

I would say tell the call guy.......give me the disc..or any replacement today......if u dont i wont come again..ull see them in consumer court......And believe me dude......if u get the disc do sue them...u will win compensation i am sure...and also they will become more friendly......

I guess u can easily earn 5k-10k easily...i have seen alot of such stuffs shown on star news and cnbc......

yeah its all true ...but the thing is i live in navi mumbai ..very far away from andheri and due to my studies dont get much time...for it..

and about going to court and all..- its all really good but .u need a lotta time for all this..and me being a student will hardly get time for cour matter and all..also my dads mostly outta the country as he works for air india.and also when is back home mostly he is busy ...

so maybe i will just give them a warning on phone and by mail. and later straight go to collect ny HDD lets see !
Dude i know.....but for consumer court u dont need to goto court much.....and ya there is the point u stay sofar and u faced so much u can ask but u can stating u visited and u were one will do dna printing to prove were u there or your uncle...if u jus prove u were faced some shortage of service

Though i guess a lawyer can really help u much....but i do guess for consumer court u dont need much time stuff but ya...u need to spend some buck initially
^^ lol wish i could do that...but i have a faltoo phone 2255 cdma..and even land line dsnt have recording capabilities...

and i usually talk normal.. wid them like a good boy..dunno why i cant fight much..wid dem..and i sound like a child/gal at time ..lolz lolz..haha
lolz.dnt worry..i dnt have any hormonal probs..its only like only on da phone my voice is very much like a women..cauz i am very polite lolz..

otherwise in normal life..i sound very much hmm..what to a man..lolz

but one phone too i get a bit angry and shout at them,

lets see..tmrw is Sunday so are they open on sundays too ?
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