Linux Help me in installing Nvidia drivers in Ubuntu

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Hye alll,

This is my very old problem. I currently have 640 x something resolution. So, when I had 15" CRT I don't had any problem, and I don't cared abt this problem, therefore I never asked.

Now I have 22" LCD having resolution of 1920 x 1080. And in this LCD, looking at old resolution is somewhat weired. In this LCD also, I get that old resolution of my 15" monitor.

I have mobo with Nvidia Geforce 7025 chipset graphics. I m using onboard graphics. So now, how to install my graphic drivers?? They don't come in Synaptic package manager, or else I would have done installing them. lol. :rofl:

I currently have Ubuntu 8.04 but planning to install 9.04 very soon, so the steps should work on both.

Another thing, which I wanted to ask is that, would I face any problem if I install 9.04 over 8.04? I currently dual boot Ubuntu with XP. So, I'll just boot from 9.04 & install it where 8.04 is, is this right??? And I don't have that Alternative install CD, so don't tell me to install from it. I don't wanna download it.

First of all congrats on a Full HD LCD!

Yes you can simply install 9.04 over your existing 8.04 it will be like a fresh and clean install... make sure you backup any important files since you should be reformatting the Linux partitions...

For installing nvidia driver, try going to system->administration->hardware drivers applet.

There it should get a list of supported drivers off the net automatically, select the "180" or 18x.xx series driver (I believe that is what supports your card) then click "activate" button...

Just wait for a while, it will download and install the drivers but does not show progress bar properly usually...

If this step fails/crashes, search the net (ubuntuforums etc) for manual steps to install nvidia drivers...

Yep thast the best bet for ubuntu.. Playing more can get it crashed :P

Anyways if you want latest download the latest package don't know which one to downlaod nforce,foreware, blah blah ;:P

After you finished download do this

sudo su root

cd /home/<username>/Desktop/

sh ./<package_name>.run

That will initiate installer )
vishalrao said:
First of all congrats on a Full HD LCD!
For installing nvidia driver, try going to system->administration->hardware drivers applet.

There it should get a list of supported drivers off the net automatically, select the "180" or 18x.xx series driver (I believe that is what supports your card) then click "activate" button...

Just wait for a while, it will download and install the drivers but does not show progress bar properly usually...

If this step fails/crashes, search the net (ubuntuforums etc) for manual steps to install nvidia drivers...


Thanx. Now, there's nothing like "hardware drivers applet" in Adminstration. There's only hardware testing and hardware drivers.
saqib_khan said:
Thanx. Now, there's nothing like "hardware drivers applet" in Adminstration. There's only hardware testing and hardware drivers.

Oh brother :S ... Right, so you click on the item called "hardware drivers" and take it from there...
^^ Yes, I checked it previously also, but no success. Can u help me, installing drivers from here. When installing, I get this error "You appear to be running an Xserver, please exit X before installing" Now what to do? I downloaded the package from there and used Dark star's method for installing, but it is giving me this error.
To use hardware driver applet Visha sir is talking about .. You 1st need to set repo.. System - > Administration -> Software Sources ..

For installing by my method [a bit complex and risky too :P]

1. Press CTRL + ALT + F1 .. Enter these

username - root 

password - you set for root account

2. Write the full package name in copy before doing this.. like or whatever the file name is ...

After that

sh ./package

Make sure internet is on as it might need some extra kernel headers to be install..

3. There is an extremly useful and easy method for newbies. Envy NG .. Envy
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