Linux Help me set up my DSL internet Connection in Puppy Linux (Precise)

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Hi there
I am using a Precise Puppy(LXPUP[/URL]) on my laptop for the last few days
I am quite amazed with the speed and responsiveness while using it.

However I have a problem
I can't for the life of me set up my DSL Broadband Connection(from BSNL India) for use with this OS.
But I never did face any problems setting up my DSL connection on Lubuntu, ZorinOS, Mint and Windows 7, XP.
all I am ever accustomed to do is give my username and password and the DSL connection is set up. ;D

My ISP(BSNL India) only gave me the following information
User ID---- "id<myphonenum>_ecdrid"
and an external Modem which connects to my PC via a Lan Port

Here is what I do with Puppy
1)Probe for my modem with Pupdial Internet Dialer (Puppy says, "Success the modem responds as ttySL0") exit dialer

2)Start Wired/Wireless LAN---> Simple Network Wizard---->Click on eth0---->Puppy says "Successful connection to wired network 'eth0'.....Tick on set SNS as Default network tool"

3)so I guess my Modem is being recognized and so is the Ethernet port

4)Now I try and set up my Broadband connection using the "Roaring Penguin PPPoE"
Give my user name, password, set interface to eth0(default), leave DNS info to blank, set firewall to 0.
and after that is set up I finally press "Start", the PPPoE text file that pops up says that the connection is successful, however I can't browse the Internet.

Please help me find a viable solution to this problem guys.
if you need any info just ask
Maybe, you have to set the DNS, set it to Also try, pinging any valid ip from terminal to check if its a dns issue
A viable solution for such a problem would be to set the login options in the router itself something like this :

and configure the LAN settings in the router.

Else you'll have to wait for someone who has some experience with Puppy Linux.
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Hi guys
i solved my problem by switching my router mode from Bridge(which is dependent on OS to dial) to PPPoE mode (where the modem itself dials up the connection every time it is started)
any PC connected to the modem via an Ethernet port can now access the internet without dialling anything.

i followed this youtube video to set up my router/modem
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