Car & Bike Help me, suggest a bike

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OK well i thought this would go into team bhp but all the peeps there are in2 racing bikes n stuff so i decided 2 put this thread to the aam (mango) janta:bleh:

well after riding bikes for about 7 years have decided to change my bike
i started off with a kinetic and then onto a bajaj caliber , then onto the old pulsar and then the newer pulsar

a little about myself before we go ahead im 6'3" tall with a medium built

i have a medicore budget to buy a bike , something not too expensive , something not too cheap

i stay close to the sea so most of my bikes end up rusting very soon and loosing color:( also pulsar is lil comfortable at long drives as it hurts my bike , i found caliber to be very comfy as it was a long bike and two big sized people could sit very comfortably also maintainance was cheap

im lookin for something of the popular brands preferably bajaj or honda , any other would do as long as its really worth it , also reasons 2 go for above brands are ease of access of service centres etc

im absolutely blank on which bike to go for , pls dont suggest bullets as theyre outta my budget :(

get the suggestions flowing , peace:cool2:
BAJAJ PLATINA!!.....I hated this bike..till My father forced me to but one..saying he needs his bike bike..and due to tight cash...I was forced to buy this..but now love it just coz Its damm light and if I ever find myself stuck at Traffic Jam..All I do is..ask for help..Pick up the bike..go on the other side..and wrrroooom....mileage good....pick up good!!! and yeah it will rust at your place..but who cares....33k is ok man...or try XDC125...35 something...or discover...just like caliber its long....but I never liked it..don know why!!!!
how much does a yamaha r15 cost ? is it comfy 2 drive

i was narrowing down to the xcd 125 or the discover but im open to suggestions
Well my friend bought this bike recently for 1 lakh 4 thousand

And apparently "this" bike's what Soul_fire and Hunter was talking abt;

Fingers crossed for the CBR 150 when it launches; :|
how much is your budget??

Bikes worth considering...


Honda Unicorn ~ Smooth,refined & comfortable..

TVS Apache RTR 160 ~ very good performance,well-built & comfortable..


Bajaj XCD125 ~ A looker & a performer,fuel-efficient,VFM

Bajaj Discover 135 ~ Comfortable,good on performance & mileage

Honda Shine ~ Smart & comfortable

TVS Flame ~ a decent performer

The Platina is worth considering too..
t1ruda said:
BAJAJ PLATINA!!Pick up the bike..go on the other side..and wrrroooom....mileage good....pick up good!!!

What? How much does it weigh? My pulsar does sweat me sometime to getout of the parking.


Quote for now >

He/she who calls others 'smarta$$' is actually the dumbest one with a superiority complex.

so who calls others dumbass is actually the smartest one? :P
^^ ur a coder rite?

dunno but i feel the disco 135 shd fit the bill best ..and after moving away from the pulsar the oder lesser cc bikes may leave u wanting in the raw power department
SunnyBoi said:
Quote for now >
He/she who calls others 'smarta$$' is actually the dumbest one with a superiority complex.

so who calls others dumbass is actually the smartest one? :P

Is that the corollary?? :P
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