Storage Solutions help me to recover data formatted from a pendrive

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I recently formatted my 4 gb sony pendrive and copy some movies from my (win7 HB) laptop. But now I realize that there was one important doc files which I formatted earlier. so what I did that i install some 2 or 3 pen drive file recovery softwares but have to mention the drive to recover. As my pendrive is full with new movies I cut n paste them in my lappy drive d. Now problem is that all the recovery softwares recovers my recent cut movie folders in d drive not the doc files formatted earlier. Help me!!! ASAP!!!
Try your luck with Recuva; but chances are rare as you have already filled up the USB drive with Movies , and those data segments would have got overwritten with data.
My weapon of choice has been R-Studio. Do try to see if you can recover, but if its overwritten, probability is extremely low.
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