Help me Weird .net error

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I get this funny error out of the sudden (Attached )

This started happening out of the blue. . i think it was after i installed NBA 2k9 and it installed or atleast tried to install the Microsoft .Net framework.

After that . . my Catalyst Control Panel is crashing. .Kaspersky is unable to start. . many applications ( maybe based on .net ) arnt starting.

I have tried installing .net framework again. . many times.

No other system hang or slowdown. . everything else is running perfect !!

Wat can be the issue here ??
downloaded a fresh one.

When i start Catalyst center it gives me this error :

And i am unable to boot in safe mode now. . the PC just restarts when i attempt to do so :@ .

The Kaspersky window closes as soon as it opens. . so its inactive rite now. . some more applications are showing weird behavior. . the Catalyst Control Center , from what i have learnt requires .NET framework. . so it might be some problem related to that. . .but how to rectify it is beyond me :(
which version of .NET? download and install 1.1 and 2.0. Most likely its missing 1.1. Add 3.0 and 3.5 also to the list if it doesnt work :P
Arya said:
which version of .NET? download and install 1.1 and 2.0. Most likely its missing 1.1. Add 3.0 and 3.5 also to the list if it doesnt work :P

Naa . . did that. .i installed 1.1 . .same status :(. Weird stuff :@

PS : Thanks for making the correction in the thread topic (me-ssa Noob :|)
Try using the .net frame work clean up utility,then install the .net framework starting from version 1.0 ,below are the links given for the same

1) .net Easy Remove

2) Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable Package

3) Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1

4) Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 1.1 Service Pack 1

5) Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0

6) Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0

7) Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

PS: U have use the clean up utility initiall and then download and install all the .net framework in the order i have given the links.. ,by doing this the issue should be resolved ,give a try and post the result here
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@metalspree. . thnx for the effort mate. . i did all that and it still doesn't work.

Well. . now i think it is some kind of a virus. .because i have stated everything related to .NET framework from scratch so any problem related to that must have been solved. .

Now i observe this. . my Kaspersky setup files and also my Ati catalyst setup file sizes have all been reduced in bytes :( and it is giving me some NSIS error:


The installer you are trying to use is corrupted or incomplete.

This could be the result of a damaged disk, a failed download or a virus.

You may want to contact the author of this installer to obtain a new copy.

It may be possible to skip this check using the /NCRC command line switch



WTF is happening. . some thing is eating into my system :@

I tried online scans but they resulted in nothing.


This virus ate up most of my .exe in the system. . i took out my HDD plugged it into my friend's computer. . ran Kaspersky scan . .cleaned the shit. . plugged it back . .everything seems to be working OK.

The damage has been done. . how much, that has to be seen over time :@.

Thnks to all who took out time to think over this.
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