Help me with 5233 Hellox certification

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I got my certificate from the OPDA. I have installed the signer on phone and trying to Sign the applications. When I try to install them, I am getting Constrained by the certificate error.
Also tried signing on my computer as well.. but din't work

I received my certificate unique to my IMEI only. Has any onw tried Hellox on 5233?

Can some one help me out in this?

Do this:

1)Go to the OPDA Cert. website & login there.

2)After you login successfully, you will see your certificate details. Click on the 'Signing' link in the 'Operate' column (the rightmost column).

3)You'll get a new box where you can browse & upload the file that you want to get signed with your certificate.

4)Enter any Remark & then click on 'Submit & Upload'. Your application will be signed.

5)Download the file & install it. It works.

I don't know why this happens. It happened to me as well. I couldn't use the Cert. offline either on my phone or the PC. But when I got it signed from OPDA, it worked fine.

Hope this helps.
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