help me with this problem

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When ever i switch on my rig when its booting i get this message cmos checksum error it says press f1 to continue, after i login when i open firefox for browsing example when i open orkut it says" is a site that uses a security certificate to encrypt data during transmission,but its certificate will notbe valid till 1-31-2006 8.44am you should check to make sure that your computer certificate set to saturday,january01 2005 12.55am" '

its been happening for sometime now and i dont know what to do help me out
this is not the place to discuss probs

any way

go to bios and select fail-safe defaults and restart (this will probably solve the checksum error)
if it do not settles the problem then replace ur battery (ur motherboard's:ohyeah: )
and then choose fail-safe defaults

it will work (hopefully)
try it!!!!!!
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