Monitors Help -- Moisture in the monitor?!

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4 seconds, inhale; 4 seconds, exhale.
Hello all,

I was away from home for some months for work and upon returning I found my old (but excellent) secondary monitor's display highly washed-out, and some artefacts/'spots' inside which look like bubbles:





Could someone tell pls what could be wrong & how to resolve this? When I came back I found that the monitor had been kept covered under a quite tight-fit (synthetic) material cloth-cover. Could it have caught moisture during the heavy Mumbai-monsoon weather? Additionally, I found stains on the bezel of the water which look like dried water-wipe marks, as if the monitor was wiped with a wet cloth, although I asked my mother and caretaker if they had wiped the monitor so but they declined. And the wasn't kept near the window too, to rule out the possibility of it catching splash of rainwater.

Should I use the hair-dryer method and see if this goes away?

Pls advise..

A hairdryer can take a long time as it only targets a small area and you have to move it over time.

I saw a vid where this guy ran a bitcoin mining app all night with the laptop closed and it cleared out in the morning.

1) So does wrapping the screen in an electric blanket achieve the same thing?

2) Another option is to put it in a box with dehumidifier packs like these. Box would have to be sealed and left for a few days.

3) Otherwise, it will require a disassembly like shown here

It's not gone until the liquid fries internal electronics.
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A hairdryer can take a long time. I saw a vid where this guy ran a bitcoin mining app all night with the laptop closed and it cleared out in the morning.

yes i too saw a vid of someone putting a hairdryer in front of the monitor but all nightlong, using some holder/stand.

Otherwise, it will require a disassembly like shown here

thanks! this reminded me that i know a trustworthy computer-technician who has started repairs of displays too! gonna ask him now..
This is just the sort of thing that makes people scared but i don't think its as bad as it looks.

Saw this for a phone and I'm surprised how trivial the fix is.

Never seen anyone use a clothes iron to remove a phone screen. Great jugaad there :)
thanks! this reminded me that i know a trustworthy computer-technician who has started repairs of displays too! gonna ask him now..
That will be your best bet. Should come back like new. Does not look like it will be very laborious either.

Any of the other solutions with the device switched on, especially with moisture inside is risky.

Best thing to do in such a situation is to power down the device as soon as possible.
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I have a monitor with the same issue. Started happening sometime last year and it gradually increased. Let me know too if your technician has some advice.
Saw this for a phone and I'm surprised how trivial the fix is.
It looks trivial because the guy is a master at doing that work. If i try, I'll probably end up breaking something more and doing lot more damage than before. Looking at such videos, i always want to learn how to disassemble such devices. These disassembly videos on phones & analog watches sort of gives me some itching to try such stuff but my poor eyesight brings me down to earth really fast.
It looks trivial because the guy is a master at doing that work. If i try, I'll probably end up breaking something more and doing lot more damage than before. Looking at such videos, i always want to learn how to disassemble such devices. These disassembly videos on phones & analog watches sort of gives me some itching to try such stuff but my poor eyesight brings me down to earth really fast.
Maybe get your eyes tested and glasses otherwise you can get magnifying lenses.

What is essential is very good light. Lots of it.
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Hi, your monitor might have absorbed moisture but this is not due to humid air. I have seen mainly LED TV's that absorb moisture during monsoon season. Those are simple patches that fade away when the TV gets heated(When left running for 30 mins.).
As you are saying you can se moisture marks there are very high chances liquid has been spilled on the monitor.
Since entire display is gone heating will not resolve your issue. You need to send it to a service center. Most likely your IC is intact.
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Hi, your monitor might have absorbed moisture but this is not due to humid air. I have seen mainly LED TV's that absorb moisture during monsoon season. Those are simple patches that fade away when the TV gets heated(When left running for 30 mins.).
As you are saying you can se moisture marks there are very high chances liquid has been spilled on the monitor.
Since entire display is gone heating will not resolve your issue. You need to send it to a service center. Most likely your IC is intact.

thanks. yes thats what i too feel. the display is somewhat porous i believe, so water might have seeped-in when wiping it (if that was actually done in my absence), and since the monitor was out of use at that time and hadnt been turned for a long time, the damage seems to have set-in. thinking to call either an urbancompany technician or contact the place from where i had bought this monitor originally.

thanks! this reminded me that i know a trustworthy computer-technician who has started repairs of displays too! gonna ask him now..

he couldnt help. had a small argument with him when he said that it isnt 'moisture' & implied that i was talking nonsensical stuff, and said that the display has just gone kaput (without actually seeing the monitor; he only saw the photos on phone). so now have decided to show it to some more competent tech.
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