Car & Bike help my wiper blades last 1 more time!

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last year id come across an article in times drive on how to squeeze the last out of ur old wiper blades...
anyone remember that?

ur own advise is welcome too...

no time to get the blades replaced today...and i have to drive

^ Even I am interested to know how to prolong the life of wiper blades... Any specific company or so... I've to replace blades in my car every rainy season & they last ~1 month max....
I know some folks will laugh at this but windshields get cleaned much nicer if one pours a few drops of vodka into the washer fluid container. Why I don't know :rofl:.
Dunno but my car came with some liquid mixed in water, it used to clean the glass very good also water doesn't stayed in the glass after cleaning but don't know wat was it , after filling it with normal water it doesn't work that well :(
Chaos said:
I know some folks will laugh at this but windshields get cleaned much nicer if one pours a few drops of vodka into the washer fluid container. Why I don't know :rofl:.

Yeah, even I've heard my local car technician at the SC telling drops of any good alcohol does the job better than the water; :)
A li'l OT, but wanted to know if anyone has any experience with new Bosch Aerotwin wiper blades? Came across that ad while browsing mail. Its supposedly better than the regular/normal available blades.
bosch makes decent blades. i got a pair just before winter. with all the scraping of salt-laden snow and rock-hard early morning ice off the windsheild, and the recent hurricane-esq weather we've been having recently theyre still holding up well. considering i dont wash my car too often, all the dust, grit and petroleum residue it's dealing with says something.

edit: not sure about aerotwins...only commenting on bosch as a whole
Most oems are BOSCH iirc, followed by syndicate maybe but dunno which one's specifically forthelatter. :)
Most Maruti vehicles i have used came with BOSCH and they are not expensive at all unlike my assumption at one point of time.
Normally the arm doesnt need replacement unless damaged/bent but just the blades that are available separately.
The wiper motor odes need servicing after few year to free it up if one doesn't tend to the wipers in the dry seasons.
It helps to do the squirt and wipe every morning or frequently as it keeps the nozzles unclogged and the wiper motor free. :)

And iirc, add a few drops of Dishwashing liquid soap(mild one if u have) to the amount of water needed to refill the wiper fluid sump/res, mix slowly and fill it up- it gives a smoother, cleaner wipe and water doesn't plane on the windshield but beads away.
Too much and have a foamy day- poor visibility not due to heavy rain but due to heavy foam. :rofl:
i was too lazy to get my rather decaying wipers fixed before driving to Munnar last year

when i got into trouble with the rains, a light rob of the rubber against a very fine sandpaper did the trick

needless to say it's only a stop-gap measure and i got the blades relaced after returning back
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