Help Needed Assembling PC

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I don't need a monitor so im looking to buy a PC within 15-17k

I initially wanted an i3 processor but it's rather expensive right now so il forget it. However if anyone could quote some prices i would be really happy.

So my next choice for a processor is Quad Core 8400.
4 GB RAM. Should I take DDR2 or DDR3? DDR2 is obviously cheaper but for future upgrades does it make more sense buying DDR3?

And could someone please suggest a graphics card i could buy. I don't want a very high end one but it should be within 4-5k.

Need a 500GB to 1TB hard disk too.

If anyone could suggest names and prices i would be delighted. Thanks! :D
Q: What is your budget?

Around 15-18k

Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
CPU - Pentium 4.
Motherboard - Not too sure.
RAM - 1.5 GB Kingston.
Hard Disk: 80GB

What hardware will you be keeping?

Keyboard, Mouse, Speakers

Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.

Processor: Quad Core Intel preferably.
Graphics Card: Not sure which one i should buy. Something good enough but within 4-6k
Hard Disk: 500 GB

Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which componen

Final config. Will only upgrade if needed after 2 years maybe.

Q: Where will you buy this hardware?

.Lamington Road, Mumbai.

Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market

If i need to stay within budget and the hardware falls under warranty then yes.

Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware

Gaming. Not very heavy gaming but more than moderate.
Downloading 24x7
Watch movies.

Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?

Lots of Sports games for sure. Every FIFA should work ofcourse.
FPS like CoD etc. and games like Assassins Creed 2.
Racing games at times too.

Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?

Windows 7 or Xp
Processor: AthlonII X2 240(2.8GHz, 2 cores) ~ 2.8k/ AthlonII X3 425(2.7GHz, 3 cores) ~ 3.5k

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-MA74GMT-S2 ~ 3k

Graphics Card: Sapphire 512MB HD5670 ~ 5.2k

RAM: 2GB Corsair 1333MHz DDRIII ~ 2.9k

Hard Disk: 500 GB Seagate 7200.12 ~ 2.2k

PSU: FSP SAGAII 350w/ FSP SAGAII 4000w ~ 1.5k/1.9k

Total: 17-18k

Your old P4 power supply would not be compatible with newer mobos i guess. Even it is it must be too old to support a new GPU. Better to invest in a decent entry level power supply like the FSP SAGAII.

BTW what is the size of ur monitor and what resoultion due u aim to game at?

Go with this AMD, DDRIII set up. You can add 2GB more later when DDRIII prices dips. DDRII RAM costs Rs.2600. So there is not much of a price difference and it is better to invest in DDRIII set up now.

For this mobo contact TheITWares in the forum. He is dealer here and has a shop in lammy called E-Lounge.

TheITWares -TheITwares Ecommerce

You can also chk out Prime in lammy

Computers Hardware, Peripherals, Cameras, Laptops, Gaming Equipment Tech Heaven, Thin client Lamington Road, Mumbai

Both are reliable dealers in lammy and got good feedback in the forum.
-Guevara- said:
Already told you on the caf! :ohyeah:

Haha yeah but that was after i put this up :hap2:

DarkAngel said:
Processor: AthlonII X2 240(2.8GHz, 2 cores) ~ 2.8k/ AthlonII X3 425(2.7GHz, 3 cores) ~ 3.5k
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-MA74GMT-S2 ~ 3k
Graphics Card: Sapphire 512MB HD5670 ~ 5.2k
RAM: 2GB Corsair 1333MHz DDRIII ~ 2.9k
Hard Disk: 500 GB Seagate 7200.12 ~ 2.2k
PSU: FSP SAGAII 350w/ FSP SAGAII 4000w ~ 1.5k/1.9k

Total: 17-18k

Your old P4 power supply would not be compatible with newer mobos i guess. Even it is it must be too old to support a new GPU. Better to invest in a decent entry level power supply like the FSP SAGAII.

BTW what is the size of ur monitor and what resoultion due u aim to game at?

Go with this AMD, DDRIII set up. You can add 2GB more later when DDRIII prices dips. DDRII RAM costs Rs.2600. So there is not much of a price difference and it is better to invest in DDRIII set up now.

For this mobo contact TheITWares in the forum. He is dealer here and has a shop in lammy called E-Lounge.
TheITWares -TheITwares Ecommerce

You can also chk out Prime in lammy
Computers Hardware, Peripherals, Cameras, Laptops, Gaming Equipment Tech Heaven, Thin client Lamington Road, Mumbai

Both are reliable dealers in lammy and got good feedback in the forum.

I will probably go with 2GB RAM for now and upgrade later if needed. Or maybe il fit in 3GB now.

Anyway could you compare Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 and Intel Core i3 530 and the AMD Phenom II X2 555 BE with regard to prices and performance. How many cores do the latter two have?

And what motherboard should i take with either of the above so that the comined cost stays below 9-10k
No point in going for a better processor. Then you would end up losing out on a GPU as it is difficult to squueze in a GPU in ur budget then.
So which proccy would you recommend? I think im asking the same question in 2 threads where your answering. I guess we should keep it to this thread...

And what graphic card could i go for
^Btw what is the size of the monitor and what resolution will u be gaming at? That plays an important role in deciding the GPU. For a gaming PC the first priority is GPU then comes the CPU. You can get a core i-7 930 ~ 15k but without pairing it with a GPU it will be easily beaten by a AthlonII X2 240 + HD4650 GPU ~ 6k in games.

For gaming with a low-midrange card like the HD5670/HD4770 a AthlonII X2 240 would suffice. As u will be keeping the proccy for sometime u can also consider the tri-core AthlonII X3 425(2.7GHz, 3 cores) ~ 3.5k. Already with the setup i suggested you could only squeeze in a HD5670 or may be a HD4770 at the max. with ur budget. So dont break ur head on which CPU to get. Think about the GPu first. So i guess u get the flow.
Processor: Intel Core i-3 530 ~ 5.7k

Motherboard: Intel DH55TC ~ 5.2k

Graphics Card: Sapphire 512MB HD5670 ~ 5.2k

RAM: 2GB Corsair 1333MHz DDRIII ~ 2.9k

Hard Disk: 500 GB Seagate 7200.12 ~ 2.2k

PSU: FSP SAGAII 350w/ FSP SAGAII 4000w ~ 1.5k/1.9k

Total: 23k

Get this if your budget permits. Did u even go through my previous post. If you need i-3 530 either you have to increase ur budget or forget about gaming.:|
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