Car & Bike help needed badly

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loverboy jai

hey, i'm having 2007 HYUNDAI VERNA CRDI, from last week the car's battery is worsening, as yesterday i got some stating trouble, so help needed, need to change the battery, which one to buy from? exide/amaron/base terminal/sf sonic?? i need the good one and zero maintaianance battery

thanks a lot
Would recommend a Amaron Pro (5yr guarantee) rated at 75A for your Verna. Will cost you around Rs. 7400-8000/-

Don't dare to go for Exide. People have had very bad experiences.
got the news, amaron got some problems with batteries for the diesel engines:( :no:they r fixing it, so may be it will take more than 2months:( as told by company people..
m little more :huh: now

next choice is exide matrix :)
will be choosing this... wat say guys????
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