Help needed from someone who has ultra fast internet speed

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Guys I need a little help from who has very fast internet connection. I need to download few lectures online & the size is around 100GB. At my current speed it'd take a month

If anyone here has fast connection & can download the videos for me, then it'd be great.

-I will pay for DVDs + shipping, ofcourse

-extra if needed any

If person is from hyderabad, then I can meet & get the videos directly.

PS : All videos are educational related to Comp. Science & no HD movies & stuff
hi #avi i could help you out.I'm not sure yet but i could help you out.Firstly just send me the links to the downloads.Are you by any chance referring to those stanford lectures.

The only problem is I have to sit outside in my corridor so that i have access to the wifi.My laptop has just 1 hr of backup and i can download only from 1-5 in the night.So basically if the speeds are fast it will still take me 1-2 weeks.

So if you could still use my help just send me a msg bro.I live in mangalore so shipping will be necessary.
#kippu & #dovakhiin - Guys thanks a lot !! I have found few beginning lectures from my friend who had them downloaded few time ago. I shall be contacting you very soon !

Thank you very much again guys

dovakhiin - if it takes 2 weeks then I will be giving you lot of trouble, if I find anyone, then I will let u know
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