Audio Help needed in deciding IEM

Guys finally my budget increased. I decided to buy Klipsch s4I after research through different forums.

Are they available in TE? And compared to M2 how much VFM these with 1000/- extra?
gursud said:
Guys finally my budget increased. I decided to buy Klipsch s4I after research through different forums.

Are they available in TE? And compared to M2 how much VFM these with 1000/- extra?
I have read that M2 are S4-killers. Although I don't know how accurate this statement is.
From what i have read , s4 and 2 are different , both excell at different areas.

S4: build , fit , bass, soundstage.

M2: balanced sound , mids, highs, good bass.
Hello Strategy,

MIC is not at all an issue. My preferences are good bass, Sounstage(I realized this is what i want from faheems post) and comfort ,as i need to use mostly in gym and while sleeping.

Mukul give me some time and i will let you know as i have no idea about RE 1(need to research about it:p).

As of now M2, Klipsch S4i seems to by options. Lets see if i find any IEMs under 4000/-.
gursud said:
Hello Strategy,

MIC is not at all an issue. My preferences are good bass, Sounstage(I realized this is what i want from faheems post) and comfort ,as i need to use mostly in gym and while sleeping.

Mukul give me some time and i will let you know as i have no idea about RE 1(need to research about it:p).

As of now M2, Klipsch S4i seems to by options. Lets see if i find any IEMs under 4000/-.
I m in no hurry
U r in only one in line for the time being as i hav not put on FS forum
its 3 months old and re1 needs an amp to really show its true colors
without an amp it is good except soundstage