Help needed JAVA

Hi guys,

Its been 3 year since i was in touch with JAVA.
Many things have changed since then. I know its hard for me to get in track soon. I hope u guys will help me find the exact track.
To begin with i have downloaded netbean 6.8 IDE.
I was going through some of training materials provided on netbean's official site .I decided to start with Desktop Application Development.

but to my surprise i noticed that SUN SWING framework is no longer developed and will not become part of the official Java Development Kit as was originally planned.

Can any body please guide me through Latest technology in Desktop application development.
Err JavaFX is for RIA's. Swing is very much mature enough for current desktop apps, and they are putting even more functionalities into it. Look into SwingX for some added features to Swing.
I heard that Java have been taken over by Oracle from Sun Microsystems. Is it true??

Sorry @OP for using your thread. I just didn't want to create a new thread for this simple question. That's why I'm posting it in your thread as it is Java related.
deathvirus_me said:
Err JavaFX is for RIA's. Swing is very much mature enough for current desktop apps, and they are putting even more functionalities into it. Look into SwingX for some added features to Swing.

Then why does the article referring java not promoting and giving support to SWING . and hoping it to be supported by open source community?
I dont know, but personally i think the current compiles of swing has more than enough features to build a full fledged application on java. Its has gui features, event handling, filters and everything a gui based application should have. They might be more focused on delivering ria's, thus only refreshing the already existing builds. Why they wont make a super upgrade to the swing libraries is beyond my knowledge, but the current ones are more than enough. And why are you bothered about an article ?? Should u be more interested in writing your own code ??

Also, JSR-296 (Swing Application Framework) is built into Netbeans now, so it'll help u deliver better swing applications much quicker. Its just not going to be bundled with the JDK. But if u go solo, i.e. without netbeans, then u have a very wide library to work with anyway.
ajab.ghajab said:
^ Oracle bought over Sun Microsystems some time back. So yes, Java is now Oracle's Java.
Whole Sun Microsystems?? That means everything from Sun now belongs to Oracle?? I mean Java, MySQL and even Sun's OS - Solaris??