Help needed setting up IPMSG in Vista

Well, I'm connected by cable internet through Exattnet (in Anushaktinagar). Its just a simple cable connecting to my NIC, no routers involved. We use a specific IP range over here to chat with people at IP messenger.

In Windows XP this was no problem at all, I would just set the IP address within the desired range manually for the LAN connection, set up the Internet as per a normal PPPoE connection and use the IPMSG and the internet simultaneously. :)

But in Windows Vista, I have a strange problem. If I start IPMSG with only the LAN connection active (i.e. the PPPoE internet is disconnected), everything works fine, the correct range is detected and stuff just works.

The PPPoE connection takes an IP address and finds a DNS server automatically. I don't configure it manually. If I connect the PPPoE connection and THEN start IPMSG, I find that IPMSG starts reporting my Internet connection's IP address (which has a different range) instead of my LAN connection's IP address. Due to the range being different, I am unable to see anybody on IP messenger and hence am unable to chat. This problem never existed in Windows XP - What is it that is causing it in Vista? Can anybody help me?

Thanks a lot for any advice at all, it is highly appreciated! :)
ot: "whats the dial up check" do in ipmsg?

btw after connecting to net, if u exit ipmsg and restart it, which ip address does it take?
I m not sure about the dial up check thing. But after restart, it checks for the address which u normally get by using IPCONFIG. i.e. the current ip address on which the ethernet port is configured. It then tries to add all the available addresses in the same subnet mask.