Help Needed to Create a Website


Hey Guyz,

I'm in process of creating a website relevant to the industry that i'm working for i.e., apparel manufacturing & exports. In this website i want to create a discussion forum similar to that of TE. First i need to know from you guyz, how can i get this done free of cost or say with minimal expenses. I've plans of giving this as a project to some students, can anyone help here. Also tell me how to launch a website or host a website and how do i claim the ownership for the website. Do i need to register or something??if so where to register?? i've more questions but will ask them later, for time being i wud need ur advice on these....Thx in advance
Buy a domain name first and then get a hosting package depending on your needs.

You can then install software needed to setup a forum in your hosting space.

Check out Stay away from indian registrars.
Hi Guyz,
Thx Seed/Hacker for ur replies, now let me be frank i don't have any idea on whatever u r telling, teach me like u teach a baby ok, as u read in my first thread about my idea, i want to know when should i buy the domain???before getting the webpages developed or after getting the webpages developed??my idea is to create a technical knowledge shraing platform for the entire Indian Apparel Manufacturing & Exporting Industry. Next thing i want to know is how much would it cost me??Is the cost time frame based??How much would it cost to rent a hosting space??I'm not a rich guy so i first need to generate fund using the website, n my idea to do so is giving space on the webpages for Ads, is my idea ok??Is there no websites which give domains free of cost and also hosting space free of cost???Also i need help as i said earlier i'm planning to give this as project to students, its gonna create a win-win situation for both, what do u guyz think of the idea?? And guyz please tell me how do i plan and go about this entire project of mine????Appreciate every single advice.....Thx again guyz....i'll look forward for more from u guyz in the forum....thx
You have to buy the domain name and hosting package first. After that you can upload all the html pages to your account.

Domain name will cost around 8$ and economy hosting will be around 3.5$ per month. You will need a credit card to purchase all this.

If you want to setup a commercial site stay away from free domains and free hosting.
I have some question related to this -

  1. How much DB size one should ask for to the hosting server ? (like this TE)
  2. How much Bandwidth ? (like this TE)
Hacker said:
If you want to setup a commercial site stay away from free domains and free hosting.

Hi guyz thx again for ur inputs, hope to se more
@Hacker.....y do u say to stay away from free domains and free hosting??may i know???(Sorry i just don't know, so i'm just asking)

Secondly u mentioned "Economy Hosting", do u mean the services or features won't be that good???

What qualifies to be called a commercial site???If i let others advertise in my website will it be called a Commercial Site??

My intention for time being atleast is to create a knowledge sharing platform for my industry.

There is plenty of unrecognised talent pool which are usually subdued, i want to give them a place to share knowledge as well learn, i've big future plans for this website if it works out well and i believe i would need the help of TE & its members also in making it happen, as things progress i'll let my plans out one after other.

Thx again guyz...hope to see more

Cheers for now
hi again guyz,

now suggest me from whom should i get this website developed???What is the best development tool to use for this???i've plans of giving it to some students as project, what do u say??