Help needed to play downloaded games off PS3 on CFW

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I am a first time user of ps3, bought one on CFW from ebay. I have no clue about specific details but seller claims it to be on later version of Rogero with Multiman etc. Long story short i download FC4 iMars, deleted the ps3_update folder assuming it would try to update my ofw, copied it to external hdd and opened up in multiman. I get a prompt to install some updates to 4.65 to fix some issues for which i selected No.

Now can someone pls help me understand how to play this game or others where i get such a request to upgrade firmware. My system information shows i am on 4.66 which i believe is some sort of spoofing. Again i dont understand how that was done by the ebay seller and what i should do about it.

Request your help and guidance in understanding the myriad world of ps3 hacking.
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