Help needed !!! Want to change desktop colour settings !!


The text below each icon is being highlighted in gray.,.... I dont want that...

I want the whole icon to be transparent except for the this

I have done everything possible....chaned the theme, changed background, went to appearance ---> advanced and tried changing colour there....but it is giving me different colours.... I dont want ANY colour!!

Please help me !!
tried this? -

i think you are not getting the sahdow because you have not put a desktop wallpaper.


try with a plain background (no wallpaper). it might work...
Have you installed any desktop enhancement product? Like Stardock's WindowBlinds or IconX? If yes, its probably due to some setting in that application...

If not, try the suggestions given here. Like this one:-

I went to the command prompt and typed in "regsvr32 shimgvw.dll" without the quotes, and then changed my resolution to a smaller one and back again, and both issues were fixed. Some program I installed seems to have disabled a .dll file that controlled these functions. that command will enable/refresh that dll file again.

For XP only: Display Properties -> Desktop tab -> Customize Desktop -> Web tab -> Uncheck any Web Pages in the list under Web Pages. Or better yet, uncheck anything from this window. Click OK.
yep as mjp said.. its usually when you install some web app/object on the desktop the icons and the text lose their transparency.
nope....didnt install any new app...

I was just playing around on the desktop, right clicking and left clicking and sort of zooming my mouse pointer all around.... then it hung for a second and when it came back to normal, it was like this......