HELP : Network Drives between Notebook and PC

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Hi , I have a home network with 2 notebook , 1 PC and PS3 as a Media Server.

I want to share my PC files with notebooks by creating network drives .

the PC has Windows XP SP3, Notebook 1 has Windows Vista SP1 and Notebook 2 has Windows 7 RC .

I have Enabled Sharing In All The Drives of all system . and named the workgroup as HOME .

but when i browse to the System it says i dont have permission and all .
did i do anything wrong ?
this is wht i have done to make it work for all 3 OS's

1.installed NWlink netbios protocall(in windows xp sp3) ADVANCED from the main menu and select advanced setings and click the network card ur using and make sure u have ticked all the 4 options

here is the image ..

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